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Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - 7:06 PM
life messed up
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I skipped dinner to blog.

I wailed so so so hard just now... my tears are even black bcos i am wearing eyeliner.


My second manager called me just now. She say i suppose to work today from 6.30pm to 10.30pm when the schedule stated that i have no work today. I told her that and she say i see wrong. I checked it two times and i think I am correct. Even my colleague also help me see and he even say he very sad bcos i cannot work today. Wtf. My manager asked me not to argue with her bcos she is the manager. She say she very busy and kup my phone.

( i suspect that the schedule i see and hers is 2 diff copies, i dunno la)

y do they always have a way to make you feel u r wrong. :(

Seriously, I cried so so so hard. U think i dun wan to work mehs? I want money lehs. I swear i saw the schedule for 2day is i no nid to work. K fine. Treat it as my fault den.

my life is so fucking messed up. i can't concentrate in school, i can't work for two weeks due to mid sem test coming.

When i wanted to cry, I really felt like calling Dilys.
During sec school days, when i faced any problems, I would take up my house phone and call her up. :(
I would throw out all my feelings to her. She will always regard me as " correct " and others are "wrong", even when i am "wrong"

I dunno if i should call her... bcos it seems like only when i have problem i think of her.. :(
I miss talking with dilys on the phone. Our record is like 5 hours plus.

i am really very sad very sad very sad. :'(
i dunno if its my fault or not. :'(
i really need money. :'(
nobody seems to care about me. :'(
i feel like calling dilys tan hui ning to talk to her ! :'(

- 2:43 AM
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does it make you cry too?
do you really need a reason to cry?

- 12:58 AM
so many thought but so little words to it
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the strong wind blows, but couldn't blow a tinge of my problems away.

i feel so tired. really. not only physically but mentally.
yes, i am facing a real big crisis now, yeap, in terms of financial. its been quite a few months already.
Perhaps you really wanna noe the truth. yeaps, it is due with the big recession that is arriving.
Mum is not afraid of being retrenched but she is afraid that there would be no conpensation to it. She would be losing 300k if the company goes bankrupt.

She is worried... I am as worried...
I dunno if i should just say this in here. Bcos this is very personal but yeah.. since so many of u actually asked why i have to work so hard when " i am so rich "
Well, i must say, that is just an impression i gave to so many of you.

MacroEcons lecture today on money. I suddenly realised that money is just so important. I was wondering what if tomorrow i wake up and realised i have lost every single cent and no one is going to help me? I dunno... i really do hope it wouldn't happen.

I teared so much bcos i finally regard the importance for money. Its like I have an unbrella but it never ever rain bt my umbrella is taken away, yet it is pouring.

I feel so helpless and tired. I feel nostalgic too, i just can't concentrate on lectures and tutorials. I even have the intention to skip every lecture to go for work. I wanna earn alot of money. :(

I am afraid, i can't pursue my dream, i afraid my life would be ruined. i afraid i would die tomorrow.

I do ponder.. is it even worth it?

You people advised me : don't work already, school more important. Its not a matter i want now, its a matter of I need.

I have so many much more thoughts but i couldn't pen it down. its becos i am not a good writer. How i hope there would be on who can truly understand me.

I wish i can just cry out like that.

I wish the economy goes back to normal.
Mum lose money, she lose her temper as well.
I have to do bus stats project, but she need the laptop for her stock market.
She gave my laptop back unwillingly. I told her nvm she use but she said: " lose money already, got what use now ? " is it even my fault at the first place?

My Mother say I am just too soft, lending money frequently and not asking back. I swear I have at least 130 dollars floating outside. My condition is probably worser than you, please return me. Thanks.

I will definitely change. I will not lend large amount of cash out ever again. Moreover, i am now in a crisis.

Maybe I shouldn't worry so much, perhaps tomorrow Obama will give a large amount of money to the banks and everything would b alright again. :D

P.S. i am really poor :(

Monday, November 24, 2008 - 9:27 PM
monday blues
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:( have got no money to buy a new fone ! i zhng-ed my phone (half) today, using alittle bit of sawaroski ( dunno hw 2 spell ) crystals n some cheapo crystal from comics connection. Ok ! sawaroski really expensive sia ! n i dropped some, really very xin tong. Comics connection wan is like $1.80 cents den is big big crystals somemore. Sigh* i wish to buy more of the sawaroski crystals , but is like so ex la ! I hope the cheapo crystals do lasts. :(

Btw, today no PORM lecture ! which is like yay ! i was about to wake up n go get ready already, around 9.30am. Den suddenly phone rang, some classmates sms in n said that PORM lecture cancelled due to the teacher having a high fever ! whooo.. well, i wish the teacher get well soon but i also hope there are more times like this so dun hav to go school ! :D haha.. what a contradiction.. -.-

Anyway, went tamp pasar malam after i bath. gotta eat brunch wat.. nth much 2 walk in tamp pasar malam.. clothes are so eww and so little choices of food n no cute cute de notebooks n pens .. prefer Marine Parade's pasar malam ! :D

Headed to temasek poly to meet up my project! i was early lors ! but the others are like earlier ! wahs ! Did outline with wan ling, tiffany and jess. Jess is like so high despite being 2 years older than the 3 of us. Haha.. She has many " cool " games to play too ! and super lame also.
After wan ling went for her CDS tutorial, i pei Tiffany go cyber centre to re-configure her lap top. Shucks.. I nvr bring my matric card ! den have to wait outside for her ! so boring coz nobody to talk to. -.-

After finishing comm skills outline, I cat-fighted with Tiffany !
HAHAHAHA ! It sounded like i hav a dispute with her and fought with her !
No la... We played this game:

Keep losing to her ! :S
She confirm keep fighting wan lo.. I so guai de, dun fight wan.
Comm skills tutorial.. boring as usual...
Took bus 69 with comm skills classmate Yuan Ni today ! Well, thought she was the quiet type de ! Not really lo ! I dun mean she is that type of talkative kind but she is very chattable ! Moreover, she lives in bedok and we have lots of common friends. Yahs ! And FOO MUI TING (meiting) is her friend lehs ! haha.. So coincidental..
She is a very nice girl and and and after we alight from the bus, she still willing to pei me walk 2 the bus stop lehs ! Nice lo ! But den coz nid to tabao food for my mum so she didn't pei me. But isn't it so nice of her ! :) Heehee.. i also told mei ting that she is very nice too ! :)
OK. I have to go do bus stats survey thingy now n 2mr 9am meet up for project and 6pm work ! i m a busy bee. buhbyee.

Sunday, November 23, 2008 - 6:38 PM
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I just threw away my lip stick from The Face Shop, costs 19.90. =(
Nahs.. it is not brand new and I have bought it like a year ago. But that is not the point ! agrrr... i know it is a small amount but i just can't help myself from brooding over it.

Sigh.. i guess thoughts goes like this when u r in a financial crisis. :(

Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 11:22 PM
1r04 bbq and ikea.
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Yesterday, 1r04 bbq in hougang !
Fun ! But initially raining, it really caused alot of problems. :(
Ya, and Pris very li hai in starting a fire. :)

I also dunno why my camera got the white white smoke thingy eh ! it feels spoky to me though. eee.. scary siol !

Today, went Tamp Ikea with marmie. Guess what !! ?? saw mi lu bing's Sam and Wei Qi !! :) Wei qi holding a girl by her shoulders, i suppose that is his girlfriend bahs.

Felt alittle sad and disappointed bcos Nic wasn't there ! *sigh* :(
Hmm... feel really shocked when I saw them. Couldn't believe my eyes. Sam is still as cute and Wei qi is still very cool. The last time i saw them ( as in real life ) is already more than 2 years ago. I dunno if i have outgrown of them eh. I mean i still idolise them but then its like now already more " cheng shou [mature] " haha.. just like their song. =D

I seriously dunno how to react when i keep looking at then and wei qi looked back... the feel was really weird.

Anyway, Ikea food very nice ! me and mum ate alot. LOL ! everytime with mummy is confirm eat eat eat wan de lo. No wonder, we 2 so big sized ! ( we not fat hor ! )

Bought some stuffs from there. Best buy was the shoe rack which is only $6.90 ! ahahahaha.. so cheapo seys ! can put 8 shoes. Another one is also shoe rack can put 8 shoes which is 169 dollars (obviously in a good quality ). heehee.. I finally got a shoe rack outside my house ! But pls pls pls, if u do come my house, dun go and kick the shoe rack bcos its seriously not solid enuff ! aiyas.. one cent one money mahs ( loosely translated from chinese; yi fen qian yi fen huo ) What u pay, is what u get. (:

yeap yeap, i would be saving up for a full length mirror to put in my wardrobe. Sad that i cannot afford a walk-in wardrobe :(

I would also buy a pink colour cabiniet to put all my make-up and accessories. (:

but now facing alittle financial crisis :(
hope it would b over soon :(
Anyway, tomorow worries, tomorrow think bahs ! (: mayb i tomorrow die, who knows ryte?
ending this post with 3 zilian pics of myself. (:

Emo....? Yes, i suppose so.

Matured (cheng shou) ? Hmm... I dunno...

Hahahahahahaha ! Maybe Not. :P

Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 11:21 PM
angelic angelin :)
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Please support my best friend/ gan mei mei/ sworn sister, Angelin in the hey gorgeous compettition ! :D

Seriously no obligation in voting n i am not forcing anyone of you people. :) But i do hope you make the right choice if you do vote. :)

Anyway, just in case you want to vote for Angelin Cheow Min Yu but you dunno how to do it.

go to this website:
Click on Nanyang Poly, and she is in page 3 the 2nd picture from the top. :) [ not sure if this would change though, but it wouldn't be difficult to find]

yeaps, den u click on her picture and her bio-data would pop out. And den click " Hot " and another window would pop up and you will see Felicia Chin's face and then u scroll down and click on checkbox " I have agree on the blah blah blah" and press continue ! YAY ! a thank you message will pop out and u have succeeded in voting for her.

Just in case you dunno, now u dun nid an account to vote for the contestants and you can vote 10 times per day ! Yes yes, different people yeah ! :) Of course i would vote for angel coz due to biasm. I hope u will too ! but well well well, may the best win ! :)

p.s. if you are nt gonna vote for angel, pls dun giv a negative vote [ NOT ] at least. I am neither forcing anyone of you nor i am advertising her. Just wanna show my support and love for my 13 years bff/swornsister.

Anyway, i went to scroll on tp ( my school ) nominees.. ah hem.. well babes are chio but not really one that i tink is quite catchy, perhaps i m a girl bahs ! I dunno la. but they are all chio i must say. :) yeahs, i tink one of the babe is quite familiar looking, think is my psychology classmate bahs.. but not very sure. =O

Hunks wise, hmm.. i am very shocked that got one who wear black shades actually have 1000+++ votes ! I mean omg .. cannot even see his face properly eh how come got people vote for him ! i guess he must be a super popular guy with many friends. :)

KK ! thats all ! vote for all the gorgeous babes and hunks now ya !! :)

- 10:40 PM
cds thursday
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Sianz thursday. still must go school even though no porm tutorial. coz got cds.
Mei ting gave me a morning call coz she say i confirm sleep until 2 plus if she nvr call me. Rushed to tp around 1plus n ate with mei ting in itas n do project in the library with our psychology grp mates. :)

left to right: mei ting, me, desmond, yu ting.

Kena tou pai. LOL. =D


someone just pay them one million pls. omgz.. =(

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 - 12:47 AM
diao diao diao diao.
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just came back from work !
TIRED ( like duh ~ )

anyway, despite my tiredness, i wanna blog abt something that happened today !

i docked off from work at around 10.40pm. walked passed the bubble tea shop n decided to buy a cup of bubble tea. I called my mum n ask her if she want one too n she say ok. So i bought 2 cups of bubble tea yeahs. When i was going to pay, i realised i only got 2 dollars with me ! pathetic poor me ! omgz omgz omgz ! obviously the bubble tea shop doesn't accept NETS lahs ! it's just a small shop n moreover purchases are too low to accpet NETS. so i super paisehs n told the aunty : errr... aunty ah.... sorry hors.... i dun have enuff money to pay for the bubble tea lehs... can gimme 5 mins, i faster run to dbs dere n withdraw for u... sorry ah.... ( ohh.. btw my 2 bubble tea costs $2.20 ). The aunty den asked me how much do i have? i said 2 dollars.... guess what she say....
She said, u 2morrow got come parkway? its ok, u can pay me 2mr, dun bcos of 20cents go run to the bank n withdraw money.
OMG ! i m seriously very touched ! i mean these days lehs... dere are still kind souls that are so particular and not petty. Yes, u can argue that it is only 20 cents. But well, she can jollywell dun sell her bubble tea to me or she can just ask me to faster go run to withdraw money. But she didn't ! She even told me to save the trouble n 2mr shun bian go return her 20 cents. Yes, i seriously felt touched. really.

This particular bubble tea store is located outside parkway parade, very near to the hair salon call Choices and it is just beside the overhead bridge towards the direction of bus stop. Seriously, if u go parkway u must go n buy bubble tea from dere. Service good, bubble tea cheap n nice.

$1 only lehs ! omgz... i mean u can't even buy anything with $1 now... even daiso stuffs also costs 2 dollars. Yeahs, u can jolly well go eat mcdonalds ice-cream, later bcome fat n thirsty. :P

anyway anyway, talking abt bubble tea ! dun go outside far east tat sweet talk. 2 dollars sia ! n super not nice. i dun buy from dere wan ! not nice not nice ! trust me.

anyway anyway, talking abt service ! i dun like parkway ajisen service ! i mean after mei ting quitted her job in the restaurant. I had an unpleasant experience dere. yeaps.
Continue reading if u r interested...

yeap, it happened on last friday when i was with angelin yeap. she wanted to eat ramen in ajisen(parkway) den i told her that sld b got student meal but i wasn't sure.
So we went in n asked the waitress if dere is student meal. The convo went something like that :

(we went in around 6.10pm)
Me: Hello ! is the student meal avaliable?
Waitress: err... huh?
Me: (repeat what i said)
Waitress: Sorry... But I.... [ ok, her china accent come out liao so i noe she is not well-versed in english, but it was fine with me ]
Me: (spoke in chinese) You mei you xue sheng you hui ? ( gt student special or not? )
Waitress ( replied back in chinese ) : Shen me xue sheng you hui ( what student special? )
Me: err.....
Waitress: ni shi shuo xue sheng tao can ma? ( u mean student meal? ) *She looks super bu shuang can? her face like wtf ! y my chinese so bad n cannot speak proper chinese*
Me: err.. yah yah yah..
Waitress: got student meal ! pls come in take a seat.

Me and angel den went in n asked her for student menu. we sat dere like 5 mins n the manager ( filipino ) came to approach us n tell us that dun hav student meal le ! wth wth wth ! kaoz... den that cheena waitress still tell us have ! well, if she wasn't sure, she should ask la.. how can she make an assumption. I m also a waitress too ! when customers ask me something i dunno, i will definitely approach other more experienced waitresses for help. No, i m not bragging abt myself but i just felt its like she nvr tell us the right info den very angry lahs ! Moreover, i feel that the filipino manager didn't handle the situation very well. She wasn't apologetic n gave us a stupid flyer which is the student meal n ask us to come back next time. WTF ! y wld we keep the flyer until the next time? Haha.. and angel threw back the flyer n say i will not come again ! i will go bugis junction de ajisen which is 100 times better. Anyway we left swearing at parkway's ajisen.

Fucker ryte? i mean, ok fine ! Y did ajisen even hire that cheena girl who doesn't even understand simple english. I mean student meal lehs ! isn't it like simple? I mean i m not even ordering, i m just enquiring. What if angmoh come in and order? she wun be able to understand a word. Ok, fine. I m not particular abt her not knowing english since i m a chinese. I can speak to her in chinese. But when i said "student special", she still got the cheek the correct me. Ok, we are quits. U r bad in yr english n i m bad in my chinese. But how come u can still look 100percent sure that there is student meal. U noe its realie very paisehs to go inside to a restaurant n not ordering anything n leave. Omgz... super paisehs.... Ok, tat is nt the point ! the point is the service is bad !

I seriously miss the times that mei ting worked dere n i always go dere find her. The previous pregnant manager also looks better. More polite than the filipino wan. N i tink mei ting is like the best waitress in ajisen lahs ! ( ok, there is biasm becos she my friend ). But well, she knows english, know how to take order n answer customers enquiry. Somemore, my green tea ryte.. haven drink 2 mouth she come n refill for me liao. LOL. good service ryte? (: Ok, got biasm bcos she my friend. (:
anyway, the point is : bad service in parkway's ajisen. Pls dun go for yr own's sake. Mayb if mei ting re-work in there, den u can consider to go. :D

aiyas, i doubt u guys would read until here bahs sinces its like rantings n so wordy. I try to post more pics less words nxt time i blog bahs. bcos i myself also dun like wordy blogs. But anyway, this entry is just a platform for me to let out my thoughts. Its really ok for people not to read finish. But if u do do do read finish, of course i will be touched lahs bcos u actually cared abt the updates of my boring life. :)

anyway, haven do business stats sia ! lol. now 1.35am le. haha. i better do abit if nt 2mr cannot finish ! anyway, thanks for reading my post until here ya ! :D much appreciated no matter who u r. N btw pls tag ok ! its alright if u love me, neutral abt me or even hate me, u can just tag. :) haters, can also let me know the reasons y u hate me too. So i can also find reasons to hate u back. Haha. So lame, like small kids. :P

Ok ! will blog with more pics nxt time ya! do come back. :)

xoxo jen

Monday, November 17, 2008 - 11:17 PM
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she never fails to stand beside me throughout these years. :D

She is damn cute ! (and retarded :p)

- 9:37 PM
normal school day
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school from 4-6pm. comm skills test. no good obviously, shall not talk about it. just hoping for a pass.

been playing this game. Very nice ! :D

CookingGames247.com - Online Cooking Games
HK Cafe

Sunday, November 16, 2008 - 11:41 PM
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k i want to study ! which one sld i start first? ra2 or business stats? and and and ! hw to study for comm skills? can anyone teach? :(

Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 11:04 PM
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food fair today :) with marmie :)
not full... but STUFFED.. seriously ate alot ! i mean ALOT !

taiwan sausage... otah... spicy fish ball pot... kebab... taiwan ai yu bing... sugar cane... claypot rice.. 3 bowls sharkfin soup... Orh ni... passion fruit juice... mr bean green tea icecream... cannot remember liaoz..

seriously gonna be so fat.
okokokokok.. i must go research for my comm skills already !
^R^%R#UI()(*&^^&*&^%$#*T&^t6^ haven do at all sia ! so dead. k ! i do now. which topic should i do????? sports, fashion, internet and music. i have interest on fashion.. but it seems like a difficult topic lehs.. k nvm ! i do all except sports ! becos of this i cannot go zoo with zi wei dey all lehs ! crystal got free tix to zoo for 2mr ! i seriously wanna go lehs =( i hate school.

k lahs, i better rush for my comm skills now. if not deadmeat. byebye. :)

( on a random note: when i was blogging, i asked my mum what we ate for food fair. she was sleeping la. den she woke up and huh? huh? huh? den she answer me orhhhhz... we ate zhang hui mei dvd.. i am like WTF ?! den i ask her zhang hui mei dvd yummy or not? den she say yahs.. I LOL like fuck sia ~ omgz ~ so farnie manz ! )

zhang hui mei dvd very yummy ! ate 3 of it just now ! yummy !
( this shows u not to talk to an alsleep person ! :P )

Friday, November 14, 2008 - 11:53 PM
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yes yes blogging already. wahs. its seriously damn hard to maintain blogs sia =.=

i am already like damn tired. I have to like resize my photos taken in my camera so its easier to put inside entries.

today is TP's CCN day, not CCB hors ! something like carnival lahs, raise funds for charity :D

i am seriously broke liao, i go everywhere also gt friend selling something sia ! den i so kind sia support dem.

dilys- 5 cup cakes ! ( super yummy )

yi mei- 3 satay ( niceee gravy )

afina- some chips

pei chang- some mango green tea drink ah ( infront quite nice, but behind like dunno wat to say liao, become quite bland)

nigel- saussage with cheese

OMG ! btw i spilled cheese on mei ting's white blouse ( not on pupose lahs ). So sorry mei ting ! thanks dilys for helping her, indirectly also helping me. :D and greatest to apology to mei ting too, my patrick. Hehe.

Afiq- 3 water bombs !

this is the most most shiok ! threw water bombs at him. yi mei, afina and mei ting threw it too ! satisfaction sia. :D

anyway, we took pictures in mushroom, but sun glary. pardon my ugliness, but obviously the others are still chio lahs. :D

some random tp malay girl took this pic for us. my eye so small sia. i already use bloat tool on myself n others. paisehs la, sun very glary la. afina looks fine coz she has transistor lenses on. Btw, wahs, mei ting touch my waist siol in this pic ! must remember to sue her for molestation !

Abishshakenathan (jacintha) took this pic for us. Xp k lahs, i am nt trying to be rude here okies !!? just a joke. :D

No more pics of me for time being coz i look very ugly sia. shall put up pics of my friends which i tink they look pretty :

wahs ! Chio bu ah ! can i jio u girls? *shys*

after mei ting went for her tutorial, others went back to tend her stall. I went to meet friendsis, angelin ! angelic de angelin. :D

KK ! i was late ! very late i tink. but i bought her 2 pairs of earings for conpensation hors ! so i m forgiven k?

No pictures of me and her, coz she nvr put makeup n she wearing specs. she tinks she looks shag, but i tink ok lehs. anyway,yeahs..


went to bugis, JCO dere and lepak. den headed to parkway n walk abit. I wan sssssssshoppppppppppingggggggg ! hais, but no money. :(

She also gave me a nice long skirt ya ! chio piece :D changed it from my black skirt jumper.

LONG SKIRT. demure ryte? I also dunno y got ghost behind sia ! scary ryte? And she damn farnie please, specifically went to hotel de toilet. its like what the hell ryte? =.=

played arcade in parkway :D basketball and the kiddy thingy game.

Both game also i win, she super noob sia. Xp

I got proof okies !!

I got 117 points ! :D

And she? 81 points. :D

Lastly, to end this entry with a picture of myself. :D

seriously, i am so shu nu wannabe sia ! so act lors. i want to be lahs ! but dun tink can. Xp


kk, i go bath first and study retail accounting ( truth ) liao ! thanks for reading people ! do come again k ? :) take care.

- 9:54 PM
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Ok ! this is a must watch ! An jing le by S.H.E
because got my darling, ruan jing tian :D
hohohohoho ! but i watch this wan like blur blur nia, anyone can explain the storyline to me?

k, i blog abt CCN day in tp and lepak-ing with angelin later bahs. tired wan lehs?

anyway, pple if u r reading my blog, please tag lehs !! and please click on my ad box pleaseeeee... :(

and and and ! i wanna link pple but hors i dun wan link u all first lehs. like very buay paisehs sia ! mayb u hate me and dun wan link me? lol. who knows ryte?
haha, so link me first den i link ya ! :D


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 11:53 PM
happy birthday mummy :)
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food for mummy's birthday.

crystal jade's beef brisket noodles + soup ( super yucky Xp ) and tofu ( cannot finish )

i bought food from my workplace too ( ichiban sushi :D) !
chicken katsu + gyoza ( super yums ! :D )
AND ! 2 cheesecake from starbucks ( no pictures )
yay ! we are so going to be fat pple ! :D
HOHO nvm lahs ! bday mahs ! =D

Some pictures we took :

LOL ! she is definitely not a princess lahs ! she is a QUEEN ! :D

ah hem ! i wonder if today is her 48th birthday or 18th birthday sia ! lol ! stay young 4ever mummy ! :D

I may not be the best daughter in the world,

but you are the best mum in my world. :D

- 12:08 AM
marmie's birthday
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lol. marmie is my mother la, just in case u do nt noe.
whooo.. she is 48 years old lurs ! :D
hope she have at least another 48 years ahead yeahs !
love her very much. <3
hmm.. but wonder what i sld giv her ya?
yeahs, my birthday and my mum's birthday is only 4 days apart. I am 8th nov and she 12th. wahlau.. i everytime say : mummy, y u tahan 4 more days sia ! if not it would be so cool lahs that we have the same birthday ! And somemore ryte? give birth on your birthday is coolness ! Well, my mum rebukes back and say y u dun wan stay in my stomach for 4 more days lehs? LOL. she is a farniee aunty sia ! :D

ok. had retail accounting tutorial today ( or should i say yesterday? ). Slept for around first 30 mins of the lesson. When woke up, tiffany gave me and wan ling KFC coupon, but today last day. so i gave some coupons to weeqian. Anyway, eat KFC during 1 hour break. its yummy of course. :D

I am very tired... omfgzzzzz...... juggling both work and studies is definitely not easy..... but i have my own reasons to do so...................
i am definitely neglecting my studies already....... i can't understand RA2. i really must sit down 2mr and start reading up on RA2. somemore tutor sucks can. CCB.

AND AND AND ! work is stressed up too yeaps...
I am too slow ! 2mr also got work ! 2mr no more tortise speed. 10 o clock must finish ok ! stupid Cheeah ka cheng ! u r lousy fucker ( actually i am not ! but trying to insult myself so i can do better ! :D nopes, that is not a reason why you can insult me =X )

9pm- must finish refill the drinks by 9.15pm
9.15pm- must finish washing wasabi condiments + cups by 9.40pm
9.40pm- must finish bleaching cloths by 10.00pm
10.00pm- count drinks !

!! =(

i am only 17 years old, there is alot of things i do not know. maybe you do not have the patience to teach or wait, but at least show some repect please. i am only 17, please give me a chance to grow up. getting impatient just doesn't help. u can gossip behind my back, i dun care. just show me some respect.

2day, i realise a friend on mine is also single parented. No la, i dun mean yay ,both of us are single parented !yeahs.. what i wanna imply that is we have to stay strong no matter how. life still goes on..

没有你的夜下 只有冷风陪我冷凉我怕我的思念由不过这片海洋
( without you in the night, only the cold wind blow with me. I am afraid that my misses are not able to swim through this ocean )

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 1:12 AM
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i hate it when i need to iron clothes
i hate it when i am perspiring
i hate it when things are not going my way
i hate it when life is so screwed
i hate it when i am so bored
i hate it when i need to do Comm skills research
i hate it when i need to do accounting homework which is due next morning at 9am and now is 1.15pm and i want to go sleep.
i hate it when zac efron is vanessa hudgen's guy instead of mine.
i hate it when i have to spend alot of money.
i hate it when i have so many desires and those costs money.
i hate it when i don't own a LV bag.
i hate it when i don't have a pretty face that can make guys do things for me.
i hate it when i don't get what i want.
i hate it when my mother hogs my laptop !
i hate i when i am fat.

fuck you, chao chee bye. KNN !

okies ! life is so fucked up pls. spending so much money, bought with my pay lors ok..

hair rebonding+colour, 2 tops, 2 jackets, handphone crystals , black kappa shoe for work, gem sandals, gold slippers, contact lenses and one japanese manga.

Agrrr.. ok.. now is currently 1.21 am. Not done retail accounting homework which the tutorial is like 9am? so screwed yeahs? my ra tutor sucks please. ccb, i still wan get A for accounting wan lors.

And And And ! i have been spending ALOT of money. and i still intend to buy more stuffs like 2 pg mall bags, baby milo t-shirts, aldo heels, 1 ralph lauren polo, 1 purple floral dress and a gem bracelet from Diva ! okok, ask u people advice, should i buy the bracelet or not? 23 dollars lehs for a super GEM bracelet lehs ! i tink its quite affordable yeah? kk, i tink 1st.

Hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it please...........

KK ! dere is something i do LIKE lah, which is the new US president Obama. He practically gives the whole world hope , as well as myself ! yeaps ! please make the economy strong please i beg u ! so my mum can earn more money n she wun complain me for spending money.
fuck. i said fuck !
(i literally typed this, not copy and paste)

i know picture is irrelevant to post. i just want to put cannot is it? My blog lehs !

this entry is about rantings, please come back another time, will be putting up my birthday "catwalk" video. Very interesting, do come back !

Saturday, November 8, 2008 - 10:47 PM
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My birthday is going to be over in around an hour time and i would like to thank loads of people. :D

(1) Father and my mother
Its them who brought me to this world and Mum bringing me up. 17 years, is definitely not easy for her. I also wishes my dad could see me in his heaven. I might not be the best daughter, but i definitely cherish the life they gave me. Please forgive me if i have done anything wrong. I will learn from my mistakes and be a better person.

(2) My friends
One cannot live without friends in this world. I m glad that there are friends wishing me and great friends celebrating this day that has no particular meaning to them. Thank you.

Thanks for all the people wishing me:

Mei Ting
Yi Mei
Mr Tan ( Zi Wei)
Shi Pinn
Jacklyn, Zoe, Ben :D
Siew Yin
Jun En
Ming Hui
Wei Lun
Jun Yi
Jin quan
Xuan Yu
Jing Kai

OK ! i tink tats all for now la ! :D

hopefully 2mr more lors. heehee :D

So Joe Cheng and Mike He got celebrate with you? Sighh.. i shall treat it that they indirectly celebrate my bday !=p
kk happy 26th bday to you, happy 16th bday to weilin and happy 17th bday to myself !

Fated same birthday. :D

45 more mins to the end of my bday, okies, i go cheers buy starbucks drink hors ! byebye. :) please come come more wishes if u haven wish me. Thanks once again ! :)

- 9:36 PM
8th nov 2008
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Spent the actual birth date with marmie :)

Well, it is a normal day la, nothing much special.
Mummy treat me pizza hut in the afternoon. ate crayfish pasta and mango fizzy drink. Yums ! Now, she cooking chilli crab for dinner and supper ! thanks hors mummy !
OK ! its not a very " happy birthday" today bcos went shopping and never buy anything lehs ! WTH WTF !
U know why? coz went to paragon. =.= to discontinue my m1 contract la.
Pls la.. Paragon.. can't even buy anything dere.
But its very fun la ! So many branded stuffs. Prada, Gucci, Aldo, Diesel..
Vowed to shop dere once a week ( after i become a tai tai =p )

thanks everyone for the birthday wishes.

Love, Jenuine. <3