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Friday, December 19, 2008 - 4:43 AM
twilight farnie version
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lol. people, watch this ! farnie to the max ! Xmas/farnie version of twilight !
the lines are similar. but this wan is farnie. Watch hor ! :)
omgz. love santa !

Will update my paya lebar trip with apuina and disease tan after i come back from m'sia ! :(
she haven send me photos !! :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008 - 10:17 PM
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I watched Twilight Sneak Preview yesterday (17/12/08) damn coolz la ~
am loving edward cullen !!
Very expensive lors. Sigh ~ 1o dollars lehs ! i tink its quite not worth it to watch it at 10dollars cos 2day the movie come out. should have waited for a day, to save a couple of dollars. However, no regrets watching it ! Omgzzz. Edward Cullen damn damn damn damn cute, my heart still beating like crazy lors. :p

Met mui mui ting and psycho grp, attempting to do psycho project. But failed. :P
Haha, abit die liaoz cos lose the paper that we copied down the tutor's points where we suppose 2 improve on the project. Sigh, i guess i have to rush after i come from Sarawak. :( After, chit-chatting and wasting time wif my psychology project grpmates. "Disease Tan" came to find me and mui mui ting. :)

went to tamp tamp to watch toil-liet (twilight) !
haha. twilight fans dun beat me up la for saying it like toilet !
cos b4 watching the movie ryte, i pronounce it as twee-light, but dils said its toil-light. I was like huh? "Toilet" ah? LOL~
I even called robert pattinson as robbie PANTY-son ! keke. joke joke lahs~ :D
no offence to the twilight fans k? (:

took pictures in the toilet [ as usual like since secondary school? ]
LOL. machiam we still young girls like that. most of us are 17 already ! except for one old freak look-alike gonna turn 17 soon ah ~

anyway, visuals ahead :

Pretty friends i have :)

Lipgloss unglamzz -.-"

Mui Mui ting~
she super like to point middle finger de. dunno y? so vulgar de girl. u know her mah? *tsk tsk*

Pardon dilys' face ! i lazy crop her away. haha. i tink i look nice lehs in this pic. keke. (:

Fwens 4verrr ~
and and and ! damn that girl who said we act cute ! i curse u ! *points middle finger*

Headed to taiwan food stall dere and lunched ~ damnz lol lo. i was telling dem that ah mui mui now in the real taiwan eating the original taiwan food and we are eating taiwan food in singapore. Gossiped and chit-chated. :)

Headed to some shopping. Mei ting bought mphosis slippers and dilys bought pearl hairband from Helen. i nvr buy anything cos nvr see anything i like ! i nvr buy anything lehs ! so weird la, but quite proud of myself cos nvr anyhow spend money. :)

Some pics took at the tamp x'mas decor:

Buy a x'mas tree from me? haha. i like some promoter like that.

How nice if we can have firework place in houses and drink cocca? (:

Santa and them~

Santa and me~ I sitting on his lap but the dumbass tingz tingz nvr take properly. :(
I love santa since i was 6 years old. I still have santa dreams until now. As in i believe that there is santa existence. yarhs. However, i dunno if i sld continue trust this myth of santa cos i have nvr received any pressie from him b4. Or is it bcos i dun hav a chimney in my house? Haha. I dunno la. aiyos. =/

5storey high de X'mas tree. coolz~

Headed to Toys'R'Us. Fun loving for the small kids and big kids like us ! :)

bear= mei ting !
tiger= me !

When tiger meets tigeress. lols.

Beariieee ~


Greedy girl who wants so many animals ! =X

That ends our trip in toys'r'us :)
actually we wanted to make a story where i am the tiger and mei ting is the bear and dilys is panda and rabbit.
Tiger and bear are fighting for food(rabbit) and then panda come save rabbit cos panda loves rabbit. Panda is a 3/4 vegetarian okies ! can marry rabbit de.
it wld b a nice story sia ! but too bad we didn't have time cos movie starting soon liaozz !!

During the movie:
nice nice them allowed me to sit in the middle. :)
dilys right, mei ting left. Haha. damn easy to take food.
Yarhs, whenever edward cullen come out, i keep swooning over him lahs ! damn shuai please ~ He is so so so hawt and look so so so juicy.

turning left to mei ting:
ME: wahs. so handsome ! ahhhhh ~~~~
MT: handsome meh?
ME: handsome. wahlau. see his eyes, so blah blah blah
MT: handsome mehs?
ME: handsome ! blah blah blah
MT: handsome meh? ok ok only !
ME: handsome lahs ! wahlau, den who is your fav character?
MT: Wang Ren Fu
=.= "
wahlau.. she is super irritating lahs. keep saying handsome mehs? handsome lo !
i also dunno y so many pple say he not handsome lehs? say like he okok only. not very handsome. so white and stuff like tat. But i like lehs !!
Btw, the wang ren fu thingy is bcos got a guy in the movie look like 5566 de wang ren fu. LOL.

turning left to dilys:
ME: wahhs.. edwarddddddddddd
D: yah yah yah.
ME: edward handsomee. blah blah blah
D: yah yah yah.
ME: edward blah blah blah
D: yah yah yah. Aye.. u very noisy lehs ! watch the movie lahs.
:( she say i noisy !

LOL, after the movie, dilys came and told me that she also like him liao cos i keep mentioning 2 her abt him ! :D

During the movie really very damn farnie, me and mei ting keep creating subtitles among ourselves. cos we watch sneak preview mahs ! no subtitles. thats y we keep creating it ourselves. And when edward face bella until damn near, and i keep cheering : KISS KISS KISS ! den dilys tan slapped me on my shoulders. =.=
i also shouted during the fighting part also. damn farnie. cos i go pinch mei ting ! Lol.

After the movie, headed to toilet and take pictures again ! haha, we seriously love toilet very much i tell u !

Famous lian hua she i have.
BFF~ Went in to Times to find the books~ haha. quite cheap though. Dilys have the full set of the books. gonna borrow twilight from her.
Nahs. i am not a reading person. As in i dun like reading story books. Last time i read harry potter 5 pages den i stop reading liao. really. cos dun interest me mah.
I will try reading twilight lahs. I will read it damn slow until their second movie, new moon comes out. Which is like in 2010 ! madness please. nid to wait for so long. :(
got 4 parts somemore lehs ! after i watch finish all i prolly become an university graduate liao. Diaoz.

Anyway, i have no more pictures liao coz my camera battery died on me. :(
we 3 heard to toilet again ! and took more pictures using mui mui ting phone. But she haven send 2 me ! aiyas. tink i will upload those when i come back from malaysia bahs ! sigh.

After photo-taking session, went to buy nail polish from face shop.
damn farnie ..
meiting: i wanna go "facebook" buy nail polish. LOL
and and and dilys emphasize that she is a virgin ! u all must believe her k? she is a virgin ! omgzz. i have such farnie friends.

anyway, after that we went to ta-bao mee sua back and baded goodbye around 9. :)

i love hanging out wif girl friends ! and i miss ah mui lahs ! she must come back from taiwan soon soon ok ! ( and pressies also :P)
I going malaysia 2mrr ~ wheeee~
going at around 11am . Do msg me b4 i go ok ! and must miss me and give me loads of tags alrite? (:

kk. i love robbiiee PANTY-son in toil-leit ! :)
byee and loves. (:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 2:06 AM
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i am very tired, really very tired.
i wanna blog, i wanna blog, i really wanna blog. :(

sigh. i can't think properly now. :(

yarhs, i know u cannot see my font. Hahahaha.

fucked up life. y do u hav 2 keep blaming me?

hope the mp3 and mp4 are alright. if not i really wanna bang wall bcos dere goes 108dollars

Ok, goodbye. i wanna sleep bcos very tired. wan an ! :)


Monday, December 15, 2008 - 2:31 AM
lalalala ~
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happy birthday to dearest angelin sister ~ :D
( although late 2 hours le )


did i mention my love towards dai yang tian already?
haha, i suppose it doesn't matter to say it 1 more time. (:
cheena boy is love. (:

today ( monday ) at 6.30 got work, 2mr ( tuesday) also got work, from 11-9 lehs ! madness pls. Oh well, its my last two days already. earn some last money bah. u pple got any temporary jobs must intro pls k? (:
thanks ya !

My mother teaching me how to play stocks so perhaps can earn some extra income bahs ! hehe. Perhaps u guys wld think i am too young to play. But i dun tink earning money has an age limit. Don't you guys agree? Well, my mum is very good in it, which one night can allow her to earn 1000 dollars. Of course, now cannot la. Economy so bad. But well, she is still earning some money. :) Haha. BUT there is still risk of losing money la. Where got sure-win kind of thing wan? >.<

Anyway, to me life is like that. U gotta gamble at times which includes not playing safe. If you nvr try to venture out, u will nvr noe how many things you can gain. Even though venturing out might not get what you desired. But venturing out definitely can enable to gain something. Even u lose, u still gain. Bcos u gain the knowledge of being more careful in the future as well as to improving yr mistakes for your next venture. (:

OMGzzz. I can't believe the fact that i am 17 when i typed those above text ! :p

gamble is either win or lose. Perhaps the probability is very low for winning. But u wldn't know if the gamble u did not play, u prolly win. So you actually lose if u dun play. Haha.

Ok ! my philisophy are crap. u dun have to give a damn abt it. Ahahaha~

Working 2mrrrrr ~ $_$

Number of episodes missing for little nyonya:
Monday(work), tuesday(work), wednesday(think going out with dilys and mei ting, afina (ask later) -wanna watch twilight) , thursday ( converse ware house sale with afina, dunno will miss not ) , friday ( OFF TO SARAWAK LE ), next monday to friday ( sarawak )

I will be in Sarawak which means I late late den can apply. I prolly can't get my choice already. ):
I try to use malaysia's wireless. ):

kk. byebye. dun miss me, i know you will. (:

Friday, December 12, 2008 - 11:47 PM
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Helloo ~ I am back blogging ( blog not dead ) bcos MID SEMESTER TESTS ARE OVERRRRR ~

say whooooooo.. holidays are here ! aproximately 2weeks yeaps ! :D

Err.. not sure what to do actually.. I means yeahs, project on next wed. And i prolly go out with dilys tan to watch the movie, twilight. U noe what? Girlfriends long long long long time nvr go out liaoz.
ii am verriie sadd 0kayyzz.whyy wE giirlffrenzz nVrr gO oUtt 2getherr.. hhahha.dunnO whyy ii suddEnlyy typiiee liikEe a secOndarryy sk0ol gurrl.
Ok, i better stop, its very bimbotic.

Anyways ! siao lo ! 2day mid sem finish ! wanted to go underage disco with the girls u noe ! :( but yi mei going to taiwan 2mr ! so good please ! hope she buy gifts for me. (:

Yah yah, i wun be meeting her during this hols i guess coz i am going to Malaysia, Sarawak from 19th Dec- 26th Dec. Yeap, Christmas dere ! Hope its fun la ! (:
Will b bringing my laptop dere but dunno if malaysia wireless can use for singapore's laptop or not. But well, its alright cos i will be downloading the games and movies to do dere. But i wun do that for very long la, prolly just during my flight and during night. :)

will be downloading bu liang xiao hua and love or bread ! :)

Of course main activity would be SHOPPING lahs ! its malaysia lehs ! how can u not go shopping ? things are like half priced dere compared to the materialistic Singapore. Ya la ! SHOP SHOP SHOP ! hope to buy some tops, and elianto makeup ( damnz cheap) and L'oreal stuffs too ( quite cheap )
I dunno other than shopping, i can do what liaoz. LOL ~

Anyway people, i just made a tough decision. I just resigned from my job le ! yeahs.. i know i want money.. but well, having a job is like affecting my studies eh ! Not much of influence but i feel really VERY tired when i am having my lectures and tutorials. Seriously damnz shag. So yahs, i made my decision. So i am out of a job ! if u guys have any temporary jobs, please introduce to me kays? (: pay low nvm, slack can liao. :P, distance not problem also. (:

I have finished my Mid- Sem le ! which is mentioned at the top of my blog entry already. Haha. Kk. Shall blab out some of my thoughts on those tests.

MacroEcons- 1st paper taken. Usually for the first paper, i will study the most on it. Moreover, got so much time. So yahs, i studied alot of macro. The paper wasn't difficult i suppose so, passable. But the problem is the MCQ ! killed alot of my time. I chiong-ed for my structured like siao please. I feel that there will be alot of careless cos i seriously spent too much time on mcq ( like 30 mins? ) wtf ryte? Paper is only 1 hour n i spend 30 mins on mcq. Moreover, Siewyin sat beside me. She do damnz fast lah, she in 3rd page already and i am still on my mcq. She is the one that make me realised that i have to chiong for my strucutured questions. Anyway, paper wasn't difficult, should be can pass. Hope to get A ! but but but nvm la.. above 70 I happie liao. (:

Priniples Of Retail Management- remember my previous post abt me losing my notes? I went back on Saturday and beg the guard like siao to open door for me to classroom. Haha. Damn farnie. Anyway, even though my notes are found BUT this paper is completely BUANG ! screwed up to the max. It would be a miracle if i actually pass. I have loads of question marks for this paper. Perhaps, u would say : " jen, thought you would be very good in this kind of questions? Common Sense wan lehs ! no formulas or maths needed ! " True, perhaps for this subject is simply throw in theory, common sense and opinions. But den nvr studied theory, how to have opinions? I just used common sense lo. Siao wan. Confirm fail. I only studied like 2 hours for this subject? The day b4 this test, i was studying Business Stats. Stupid, i know.

Business Statistics- Practiced the past year papers like siao. Went through all the lecture notes. This is the subject that i studied alot too. Coz i know i am very bad in my maths, so i have to take this extra effort. This is also the subject that made me buang my PORM. Paper wise, was ok coz i tink i studied very throughly. Made some careless mistakes though. But should be passable. Most of my classmates think Bus stats was difficult. It was rather alright for me la prolly coz i studied bus stats on the night i sld studied for PORM. I guess this is call u gain some, u lose some bah.

Retail Accounting- OMGZ ~ studied ALOT ! but cannot memorise ! Dunno y lo ! Paper was difficult but not as difficult as I thought it would be. Really, so many chapters to be studied. And i seriously studied alot unrelevant things la. And some relevant things i nvr study. Diaoz. =.= For example, the LIFO and FIFO calculation. Thank goodness only came out for MCQ, which i tikam. But confirmed wif siewyin and wanling, its wrong. Haha. nvm la, 2marks only. I tink its passable bahs. Obviously no hopes in getting high marks. LOL. but i am contented for a passing grade. (:

Paiseh for the wordy post la ! So long nvr blog liao, of course got alot of things to say ryte? Somemore going Malaysia next next week lehs. Wun be blogging for quite a long time i guess. I think i kinda like blogging, even dere are not much people reading my blog. But its like a platform for thoughts ya. (:

My blog song nice ryte? Its from little nyonya which most of you people already know. BFF dilys love this song too. (: I love this song very much also. Wun B tired listening it lor. Really. I thought not much people would like it c0z its tune very vintage ah. Is it the appropriate word? k, i dunno.
Anyway, i was the one who uploaded this song in Imeem. So there are several people who actually asked me if i can send this song to them.

Ya lors, I am so glad got people also appreciate this song too.

Moreover, look at this Faith See's number of times of her listening this song:

Siaoness.. almost listened it like 10times consecutively. LOL. She really love this song, can fight with me liao. haha

The lyrics are damnz cool too:

U guys can see the chinese characters mahs? I dun have chinese software also can see lehs.
Btw, the chinese used in this song is damn chim la, i read like few times den finally can understand abit. The lyrics are very meaningful.

Oh ya ! Little Nyonya on mondays will be 2 hours. niceee~~ please remember to catch it ! But doesn't interest me that much already lehs, coz dun have my fav characters. Ju xiang and Yousouke. The daughter Yue Niang, abt her only is quite boring. ):
But this show is still nice, better than typical dramas. Really.

During my trip to Malaysia, i will be counting on Tudou in watching and Tiffany. She say she confirm record wan. So yay ! wun be missing little nyonya ! :)

Kk ! shall end my wordy post here ya ! Happy Holidays to everyone. :D

Saturday, December 6, 2008 - 2:17 AM
goodbye porm, bus stats and retail acct tutorial
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i just realised i lose my porm lec notes ( whole chunk wif personal notes and revision lecture notes which is not found in vbus ), some business stats tutorials and retail accounting tutorials. :(

chao chee ken. yesterday marmie lose wallet, today i lose notes.

and i lose it when i was about to study ( and i have the mood cos nap for 5 hours )
bobian. i have to reprint my notes.
but what i am afraid that the psycho newspaper article is with me which is needed for the project. I hope desmond would reply me soon. agrrr.. y am i so careless.. pls gimme one tight slap pls..


Friday, December 5, 2008 - 12:38 AM
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ok ! this is the most ex coffee that my mother drank for her entire life.

She lost her wallet when she was making the donation. In Millenia Walk Starbucks.

Yes yes, her IC, credit cards, debit cards, posb cards, membership cards and cash of 200-300 dollars.

OMGZ. i seriously wanna cry. How many hours do i have to work in order to earn that amount of money.. ZZZ.. and yahs

Really got no mood to study le..

Ok. The person can seriously take the money, but give my mum back her cards eh ! and as well as her IC ! Fat hope i know ! Siaoness please. My mum has to spend money replacing her cards and as well as make a police report. Yah, think i pei her 2mr, if i have the time.
Now is 5th december, 1am. I think i go cheers and withdraw money and give my mother. Daughter giving Mother pocket money. How irony can this be.
Anyway, anyone found my mother's wallet, there will be a cash reward of 1oo dollars ! I am serious.
Yes, i know i am dumb. The person can jolly well take my mother's 300 dollars instead. But well, he/she is doing something unconscience den. But if he/she return me, he/she is being honest and deserve my 100 dollars.
Yahs. She lose it in Millenia Walk Starbucks, around 6pm-7pm.
KK. really must study le ! omgzzz.
oh yahs, shan ben yang jie die already ! sad sia ! no motivation to watch little nyonya liao. sianz... zzz...

Thursday, December 4, 2008 - 8:31 PM
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Helloo !

Haha.. day started rather bad in the bus, coz i obscenely picked the ezlink card i dropped in the stairs, dunno got zao geng or not sia ! =.=

Anyway, late for PORM tutorial at 9am but its ok coz teacher also late for 15mins, i am late for 20mins. ahahaha.
After that, went to the library n chatted wif siti for several hours ! Its nice talking with her. (: And her jellyfishcrab she drawed was damn cute !

MeiTing came find me after her lecture. And this stupid girl nvr bring her handphone ! omgzzz. faster reprimand her..... MT is stupid ! MT is dumb ! MT is empty. Xp

Hoho. ate in engineering school. the chicken cullet sucks to the max. Haha. and i took many pictures of her stupid dumb face:

*playing my hp*

*fuck you for taking me*

*Dun take ready lahs =.=*
Back of phone :)

Its Us alright.

Yeap. went for psycho tutorial ! damn farnieee. LOL. nt productive wan. and i joked wif one of the classmates in class ! hahahaha.. (:
Everyone was nice lahs. (: i like my psycho class.

Pon psycho lecture which was abt to start after psycho tutorial. Aiyos. coz of that meiting lahs ! she is a super bad influence k? *tsk tsk *

LOL. cannot entirely blame her lahs.. coz i nvr buy the new lecture book also. dats y damn sianz to go... ZZZ... but i got study during break hor ! one chapter. :P on macroEcons

Went Bedok 85market after deciding to pon lecture. Yeap yeap. :X

its her alright. (:
Its me alright (:
Its her again alright (:

US ! :D [ i make yr face smaller le meiting ]


i miss 85market very much ! sigh* used to go dere like everytime after i got off from school (bedok green sec)

i also miss the days that the whole big group of us will go and buy bubble tea and bbq fries from dere lo ! And also the instant noodles we buy from 7-11 and sitting outside and eat. Omgz.. I miss those times lahs.

I like eating char kway teow and otah in 85market also. hais. how i wish i m still in bedok green. So near only. 5 mins walk.

KK ! Little nyonya gotta start already. 3more mins to 9oclock. yeapyeap. Ju xiang and Shan Ben Yang Jie are gotta die today. Must prepare my tears. :'(

See you pplee ! buhbyee. *waves hand strongly* :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - 11:57 PM
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Ok ! I putting song in my blog ! dunno what song to put lehs ! :X

Ok ! i put Little Nyonya Song ! :)

I dun care if u like it or not? Dun stop it la. 2mins only. ZZZ.

I buying some several clothes from blogshop ! i can see the money flying away from me le... :(


Tuesday, December 2, 2008 - 10:07 PM
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The Little Nyonya ! 小娘惹 ! :D



jeanette aw ! Ou Xuan ! :)
I love her character, Ju Xiang very very very much ! She plays a mute and deaf girl, super touching ~ But this character gonna die soon, 2 more episodes i think. :(
Hope I would like Yue Niang (her daughter) character also.

Shan Ben Yang Jie ! Ju Xiang's lao gong. Omgz.. he is some hero in the show manz.. and he is damn damn damn cute. (:
I love him very much too ! He and Ju Xiang's love is like so touching ! :)
He seriously can charm alot of girls with his good looks i swear.
OH YA ! His real name is Dai Yang Tian and he is the first Cheena guy i actually fall for. teehee. :) [ no discrimination hor ! ]
too bad he is going to die soon too.. with Ju xiang in the next two episodes i think. :(

i seriously love this show because it has a very interesting storyline. Also, a love story that touches the heart. But den, the part on my 2 fav characters really very little lehs !! and storyline goes too fast le. one ep, met and love at one sight. 2nd ep, love blossom. 3rd ep, hero saves damsel in distress, 4th ep get married, 5th ep, got daughter and husband had to go back japan, 6th ep daughter grown up and husband came back like 8 years later. Ok la ! den next 2 ep dey both going to die lehs ! wahlau.. y cannot grow old together !! :(

Oh well. their daughter character will be played by Jeantte Aw too ! yeappie ! :)
but hor.. meaning no more Dai Yang Tian already ! :(
alright its back to the usual couple Qi Yu Wu and Jeanette Aw. Not boring mehs !? everytime dey 2 together wan.

Anyway, anyway. the show is damn nice la not like typical historical and boring olden shows. Its been a long time i actually enjoyed so much of a channel8 show. i used to love channel8 chinese dramas when i was young. So yeap, try watching this show ! is really damn nice. I love how jeanette aw potray a mute and deaf girl and her strength and love really inspired me alot !!

So yeap, must catch this show every weekday 9pm in channel8 ok? (:

HOHOHOHOHO ~ my mother say this wan cheapskate production bcos jeanette aw and xiang yun have to play 2 characters each. But at least dey nvr let the granddaughter of Yue Niang be jeanette aw again ryte ! [ btw this character is played by felicia chin ]
Ya la. and i think felicia chin's generation and character is totally irrelevant with the drama. =.=

Have learned some nyonya terms due to the show too !

Chor Chor= great grandmother
Ma Ma= grandmother
Nya Nya= mother

whooo ~ coolz coolz

OH YAHS ! I AM GOING TO MALAYSIA DURING THE DEC HOLS. 19/12 - 26/12. ANYONE RECORDING LITTLE NYONYA? (think can count on tiffany bah :p) LOL ! I am going with my nya nya to visit my ma ma :)

LOL. so crazy about this show.

once again dai yang tian so shuai ! and he is shortlisted in the star awards in best actor and best newcomer ! hope he wins ! :)

So Sweet pleaseeee..

If u love this show too ! Visit http://littlenyonya.mediacorptv.sg/spinoffs.htm

Enjoy watching ! :)


random random: my fan spoil but i am not complaining coz can on air con ! yippeee and can buy new and nicer fan ! my current fan sucks and i love aircon. I like to switch on the aircon until cold cold den wear jacket plus put blanket. Hoho. How farnie can i be. :p
and i am studying later ! ha ! mayb 2mr.. :)

Monday, December 1, 2008 - 10:34 PM
happy one month dear
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haha. not boyfriend la. is my blog ! i created on 1st nov 2008 mahs, so 2day is 1st december 2008 ! so yeap yeap. is one month ryte? teehee :)

anyway, i have not been blogging for few days already ! :O
haha.. anyway, i realised got quite a number of pple actually reading my blog eh ~ haha.. not alot .. but much more than i expected.
so yahs. thanks for the people actually cared abt me ya. (:
much much appreciated. :D

oh ya. btw my mum got 2 keep her job ya. but she just shouted at me (actually not me la) saying that her close/good friends left the company already and she is feeling fustrated.
Alright.. seriously dunno hw to answer !

Ok! once again thanks for the care and concern. i will blog with more visuals tomorrow one day !
thanks ah peepz and goodbye. (:

xoxo jen