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Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 10:16 PM
Haha. Really last post liaoz !
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Ahaha ! Ok. I know in the afternoon I have blogged that it is my last post before I go for a holiday. However today something happened that it is so important that I have to blog straight away which cannot I cannot wait !!

Went out with Afina in the evening for a short hangout and I pei her to go Mila to buy the chequered dress she wanted. Haha. So funny when the salesperson and her communicated cos she thought she is a chinese. Thank goodness got me as translator lors. :P

Ramen Ten for dinner. And so, when i was slurrping the soup of my super spicy ramen and drinking my kiwi soda...

My mother sent me a sms ...
telling me that...

I am an aunt of twins, i gained a nephew and niece today ! whoopie.. dunno their names yet.. gotta go find out soon. =D

Anyway, bball with afina.
saw this little boy taking the ball. Super cute lahs. :)

And so, we went to Isetan to try out clothes.
As we have tried out the dresses we picked, we went out to the sales person to tell them about the clothes.
and then afina realised that.... she has left her Mila dress in the dressing room ( she hung it on the dressing room door ) ..... Obviously we faster chiong to the dressing room to see it if it is still there lahs... Den dun hav liao. =(

Afina super sian diao lahs, den we went to the cashier and ask whether it is still there. No valid too. :( Super poor thing lahs, the Mila dress cost around 35dollars lehs. =.=. Very kelian man ! :(
We only like went out for 10 mins, and then when we went back, the dress gone liaozzz. Zzz.
Seriously afina.. I help u curse that person.. If the person wears yr dress hors, may her body grow loads of maggots and get really itchy !! :D

Dun sad dun sad. :)

I really like how the way she reacts to it. She is not like typical girls who would whine and complains. Instead she was looking at the bright side. She said nvm to me and and said thank goodness it is just a piece of clothing, its not her wallet or handphone. If not it would be worse.

Anyway, I consoled her by treating her a cup of bubble tea and tell her that she treat it as a gift for my newborn today niece and nephew. :)

Afina's dress ( not the Mila dress ) but the dress she bought with me in Isetan. :)
It is really very very pretty in real life. But my camera phone just can't take properly. Low megapixels mahs ! 3.2 only.

Afina is very sad of her carelessness leaving her dress in Isetan's dressing room.

If she nvr lose her Mila dress, she would have gain 2 dresses today lors.

Bubble tea that I treat her. :)

My dress. :)

Me and her in Bus 10, on the way home.
Yaps, she got over her lost dress le. I really admire the way that she take things in stride. :)

kk. take care everyone. My last entry before going away. ( I swear)

Alright. Congratulate me hors for gaining a newphew and niece today ! :D
I am so looking forward to see the two newborn babies. :) And I hope Jade Jie Jie is doing fine and I would go and visit her when I come back from my holiday. And hope she can give birth to more sets of twins. :P

whoopiieeeee.... I am an aunt of a pair of " long feng tai " ( twins of one girl and one boy ) !!!

Jealous? Xp

haha. kk. miss me much peepz and bye. :D

- 4:19 PM
last post in blog before going away ! :)
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Ok. This shall my my last post in my blog before I am going away. Yahs, i know i say i will blog everything out first before going off, however the number of pictures to upload is agrrr ! alot lahs. ahaha. and u noe ah photos have to be edited also lahs. I seriously do not have the time.

Yahs, not blogging abt aussie also cos i woke up late today ! >,<
I just woke up lahs. 4 pm eh. Siao or not? I wanted to wake up at 11am to blog. But aiyos. K lahs ! Forget about it.

Kk. I seriously very busy lahs ( busy going out with the girls. :P ), yahs yahs yahs. No time to blog. Will give a really belated post after I come back but it would be good. :)

Alright, here I bade goodbye and I have to prepare myself le cos I meeting fina for dinner.
KK.. see you guys after a week and pls tag ok ! No spam thank you. But Tag me alot alot alot alot alot alright !!

byebyebyebyebyebyebyebye ~~ :D

BLOG WILL BE INACTIVE FROM 26TH MARCH TO 4TH APRIL. ( but keep the tags coming :P )
and, remember to miss me ! thanks. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 1:46 AM
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( going KL, Sarawak and Brunei )

actually its kinda bad cos i am missing alot of fun.


happy advanced 18th birthday to Jennie Tan ( 28th March )
thank you so much for inviting me to your birthday chalet. I am really sorry that I cannot make it. I appreciate your thoughts and truly wish u have the bestest birthday ever. :D

happy advanced 18th birthday (29th March) to my best girl friend, Afina a.k.a fina a.k.a Apuina a.k.a Ben Na Na. I am so so so sorry that I cannot celebrate with you and the other girls. I loveeee you very much nia ! Have loads of fun ! ( but not so much cos w/o me :P ) Kidding lahs. And wish your " sayang" to dote on you and perhaps give you CKJ (insider joke) ? LOLOLOLOL. MUCH WISHES AND LOVE TO YOU.


happy april fool day (1st April) . err.. ok.. i dunno what to wish. LOL.
erms.. may you get to trick someone at that day? aiyos. k lahs. wishes all of you wouldn't be the dumbell that get tricked. :P


much loves, Jen. :D

to do list for M'sia trip:
(1) Finish up personalised gift for mei ting and wrap her present up
(2) Do personalised gift for yi mei and buy her pressie
(3) Do personalised gift for afina and buy her pressie
(4) Jennie's Pressie
(5) Souveneir gifts for friends like Dilys, Tiffy, WanLing and etc.
(6) Organise a 538 girls meeting :D ( After trip lahs; i seriously miss them loads )
(7) Go see money changer for best rate. Must get 2.4Rm at least for 1 SGD !!! wahaha.
(8) Have to finish what I have to blog before I go ( Swimming entry and Aussie entry )
(9) Pack my luggage
(10) Download movies and games so I can be entertained during night in M'sia or Brunei ( i wonder if can see wu chun? *lol* )

go brunei damn shiok, dun even nid to change s'pore currency lors. No loss ! Shiok !

byebye for now le ~ :D

Monday, March 23, 2009 - 10:42 AM
Girls On Vivo :D
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Outing with my girlfriends damn long ago.. err.. wait... let me check the date...
9th of March. Ok. Its kinda overdue but at least I am blogging alright !! :D

Day started not well becos we are supposed to meet at 1pm. Den at 11 plus, it starts to rain like really heavily. We waited patiently for the fucking rain to stop. But its like ain't stopping lahs so we decided not to go already. Den some of us wanted to go as we have applied our makeup already. So yaps, in the end go. Suddenly, some say dun go again. But in the end the compromise is of course go lahs if not how to have this entry ryte? :)

Anyway from meetup at bedok at 1pm became like going to 3pm. I walked out of the house ta-han-ing the blardy rain. I love rain if I am home sleeping comfortably at my bed. However, when it rains damn heavily when i wanna go out or go school, I will definitely curse the fuck out of the rain. )(*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$%^&*(*&^%$ !!!!

alrights, enuff of blabbering. Right to the point now.

3pm at bedok. I was the first one to reach. And waiting very patiently..
see.. I ain't a late queen lors !

LMAO. Can you believe that afina is the 2nd person to reach? Like Omg lahs. Haha.
Picture is evidence:

I look weird in that smile... Like so chee ko pek. =.=

Hehe. I put the normal version of this pic as my display pic in msn. :) I like this pic alot. :)

Mei Ting came next.

Self-timed when Dilys reached. :)
( I have no idea why is it so blur. Its self-time lehs ! )

We 4 self-timed again. And then lim yi mei is on the escalator and faster chiong to us. :X

Super Evil them ask me to take picture of them. >,< ; where your eyes looking nia mei ting? And oh. basically my camera left 3 bars of battery and they were complaining like wah lau later play water how, take picture how and blah blah blah. I reassure them 3 bars can, 3 bars can ( later you will know what happen ) Looking darn cute here nia all of us. Haha. like egypt pyramid like that ! :)

Upon reaching Vivo, we went to the chicken rice shop ( the shop's name) to eat duck rice.
Lol. joke. We ate chicken rice lahs obviously. It is recommended by afina btw. :)

Lighting in shop very orangey. I already adjusted the contrasted already. And did you 2 realised that yr chin is smaller? :P

Yi mei and Fina. Wanted to draw a woman in the centre ( xiao ling ) =X, but was lazy to do it. muahahaha.

Fina talking to her BF. :)

Like that only 5 dollars lehs !! Plus a soft drink somemore ! Yummylicious and cosy and price reasonable. :)

YM's spring rolls.

Dils' Jelly dessert. Very nice sia ! Got many fruit flavours ! :D

Take a look at mei ting's " I wanna box you " face.
You know why she wanna box me mahs?


Its because.....


( cos she dun hav small notes so everyone giv her small notes instead so she use her big note pay )

Toilet Pics Next:

diao... what is with the yellow nails nia.? Looks as if you nvr clean it properly. :P

I realised that my smile is really very plastic nia. Like all the same wan. Omg lahs.. ! I used to say that to mei ting during sec4 days though. And now i am like that. wtf mama !

I hope this pic is less plastic liao. Zzz.

Group Pics:
I love these girls. :D

Me wearing fina's specs. TRYING to act sexy but apparently failed. :(
haha. I have got more tak glam pics nia ! But not gonna show it on my blog to embarass myself. :P

Ok. My Camera died. Rofl. 3 bars really cannot last nia. Got reprimanded really hard by the girls.

We went to Daiso next and fina's bf derrick joined us. Haha. Lol. Such a impromptu description to introduce him. >.<

After spending 48 dollars for our total bill in Daiso, we headed to play water. :D

Here's derrick and fina. Cannot really see their faces though. * tsk tsk * camera lousy siol. Lol.

Derrick: Yes ! I have got you in my hands !
Afina ( with a retarded face ): Huh??? I am too dumb to understand.
( Above t are purely fictional k? =) * for entertainment purpose only * )

Dunno what's up with them. ??

Hanky Panky? Or just purely sweet? Ahaha. I have no idea.

We tried imitating them. Aren't we a sweet couple too? :)

Mei Ting tried to gain some attention by blocking the real couple's view. *tsk tsk*

And there she goes: " Dilys I love you !!! "
sob sob. Breaks my heart nia. :'(

Mei ting's such a two-timer. :(

Dilys is like: Wahs. So many boyfriend sms me nia ! I dun wanna love mei ting le ! :P

Some monkeying around pics:

See No Evil ? =.=

Crack open a beer and cheers ~ * quoted from Dani Campbell :D *

btw me and mei ting super high that day, we even more high than dils tan and lim ah mui who have to do chicken dance for a forfeit. Lol. We even taught them the right way to sing and dance. farnie or funnay or funnie ? Or simply funny? Lol

Shall end this entry with a group picture of us:

Alright. Thats all for now~
thanks for reading ! :D