Twitter Site Jenuine Facts Jenuine Jen; 8th November 1991; Temasek Poly 1r04; i'll be an angel if you are nice (: MUSIC! Affilates
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i am very very very lonely during tutorials. not to say my classmates aren't nice but it is just that i do not have a chance to really talk to them yet. and yeahs, they seem to have clique of their own. fitting in just doesn't feel nice. the feeling is kinda uncomfortable to me. anyway... lunched with fina and dilys during break. lunch was very very rushy bcos they want to pei me to classroom. seriously, i am very very very touched even to the verge of crying. i went in to the class. i took a look back to the door and saw the both of them have not left yet. I waved goodbye. Haha. they were talking so loud and i tink i heard dilys saying something like: aye.. i still want to see her lehs ! see her settle down first ". =.=" LOLOLOLOLOL. dunno got any of my classmates heard or not. cos its seriously damn farnie lehs !! not farnie mehs. It reminded me of my first day in kindergarden when my father brought me there and stand outside of the class and looking at me through the window. When he walked away already, i cried out loud. When the two of them left, i wanted to cry. Of course not for the same reason in kindergarden lahs. Its more of touching. I am really very touched. :') When they say they are bringing me to class, i thought they meant walk me to business school or something. Nevertheless, they brought me to right outside in my classroom and even not leaving immediately when I went in. I am so lucky that I have awesome friends. really. thank you dilys and fina very much. they are much appreciated. :) after tut, i ranted out to wanling and xiaoxuan. I told them about what dilys and fina did. they say that my friends are really very good sia. Yes, i truly agree. =D 2mr.. 4 hours with my classmates in 1st Avenue eh. I really very scared. Hope 2mr won't be so odd bahs. technically is today already.. ANYWAY... HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY SERENE. =D DUN BE SO CHILDISH ALREADY HORS. SO OLD LIAOZ STILL CHILDISH. ROFL. P.S. thanks xiaoxuan too, for the email. :) i changed my blog song. to fish leong's mei you ru guo. however, assy imeem only allows 30seconds of the song to be published. :( k nvm. watch the music video peepz. =D its very nice !! cos got ruan jing tian !! =D my favourite song lyrics would be: " the world's longest distance is not between the living and death, it is when I am just right beside you, yet you don't know I... Love... you.." (paisehs for the bad literally translated lyrics. my eng is c6 standard lehs !! Xp ) dun you simply agree with this statement? I definitely agree.. ok lahs. its 1.25am liaoz. omg. yet i am still blogging? I gotta go do my tutorials le. =( so tired sia. k lahs. byebye. Yo Yo Yo !! =D miss me or not? Haha. it has been like how many weeks I have not blog ah? k lahs. less than half a month only. =.= i tink my highest record of not blogging is around more than few months i tink for my previous blog. But wow ! i just checked nuffnang ah. last week still got 149 views lehs. Kinda surprised that even i nvr blog, u all still will check. =) Holidays for me are fabulous. I went out alot with my girlfriends which is really awesome n took like thousands of photos. Its like omfg now lahs. I just uploaded the pics which is making me not know where to start blogging sia !! aiyos. zen me ban? How i wish someone can blog it out for me. Anyway. i gotta upload some pics to facebook. So do check there out alright? and add me in facebook if u have not add me. :) Oh well, school started liaoz. In fact this is the 1st day of 2nd week. During the 1st week, hung out with tiffany they all, it was fun as usual. And yeahs, miss them too cos long time no see le. =D And yes ! I am very very very happy bcos girlfriends are still so close even in year2 lahs ! omg. usually we would be like holidays very close and school days like drift abit liaoz. den holidays back den close back again. LOL. but now it is different. Hope this lasts bahs ! =D its really awesome to be in the same school with your best friends even though not same course. Oh ! today i taken my first tutorial with my year 2 classmates. I guess i was kinda shy bcos i have not really talked to them yet. I know i look like some pple that would easily start a convo with pple n proactive in making friends. But in fact i am not someone like tat lehs ! I am actually shy (REALLY). Ok lahs. 2mr got apel lesson. hope can bond bond with 2r04. Oh yes. this is my 6th year in the 4th class. Like wow ryte? =D Hope my classmates are nice bunch of pple. wish me luck peepz ! =D Yahs. thanks for the people who read my blog and asked what happened to me and why i so emo n stuff. Really much appreciated even though i dunno if u pple really do care about me or not. But much thanks. I am really alright now. And i would be active in blogging soon bcos i realised i really love blogging lehs. so hooked to it although now hooked in facebook. Xp During this week ah.. Whenever i go out... the first thing came to my mind was to BLOG. but i was thinking. aiyas. sld blog or not or sld not blog? Ckj has made up her mind. she shall blog. =D be it something that is on the surface or something that hits right through my heart. One photo from my handphone to patronise all of u for the time being. Xp would be back soon. stay tune. =D check out my fb account for time being: this is my 101th blog post in my blog. I am very emo now and feel like crying. U prolly do not care even i go and die now... But i am just gonna give a piece of my mind. Initially, when i started blogging, my plan was to put up just the photos and using them to express my thoughts. Nevertheless, I actually "blog" and gain a number of readers of myself. My blog are mainly outings, who i went with, what did i do, what have i eaten and blah blah blah. Yes, I do love blogging about that but it just didn't feel right becos it did not fufil my purpose of " expressing thoughts" I wanna express how i feel, i wanna express what I think, i wanna express my problems. But I realised those belong to a diary instead of a blog. My blog is too "on the surface", i feel that there is no substance in it. I wanna express my thoughts but on a contradiction side, I do not want people to know fully about me as a person. Changing a wordpress blog and have protected entries instead? I dun really wanna do it becos that would be too of a diary. I want it to stay as a blog enabling pple to know me instead of judging me b4 u know me. I love blogging about outings and stuffs but i wanna blog about expressing my thoughts too. Pictures are nice to be blogged about but I do not want this to be every of my entries. I truly envy those who are able to blog those thoughts they would want to express becos I do not think I can truly do that. I wanna blog a whole load of wordy entries without a single photo but has successfully expresses my thoughts. I wanna blog for venting my anger without anyone getting offended and sad of. some words are just too mean for me to take it, but i guess this is the harsh genuine reality. it just hurts me when you do not understand me, but what hurts me even more is you threw the trust i have on you away. P.S. Will not be blogging for some time. I need a break. I prolly upload photos on facebook, i guess? I dunno lahs. I am a noob in facebook. Anyway, I will come back to my blog soon and I will delete this entry when I come back becos this entry xibei emo. =O Caution: Before proceeding my entry, please see this caution message. There are some pictures of chinese tombstones and as well as chinese dead man paper items. If you are easily offended or you are afraid to look at such things. Please do not continue reading my below entry. _____________________________________________________________________ Yoo hoo.. I am blogging about my malaysia trip from 26th March to 4th April. Like finally ryte? Lol ! First picture of the entry: Haha. Could you people just take a look at the ticket ! Administration fee and airport tax is 78SGD and the luggage charge thingy is 12SGD and what about the airplane fare? Its 10SGD !! Could you just say oh my fuck? Seriously 10 dollars eh !! Freaking cheap lahs. 10 dollars is not even enough for me to take a taxi from my house to marina square man ! Yes sgd 10 can bring me from S'pore to KL lors. The total amounts to 100 SGD with those stupid ass taxes like airport taxes and luggage thingy. Please lahs, i only used 10 mins of internet in changi airport T1 lahs. Charge 78SGD for what sia? Popeye chicken ate also not free. 78SGD charge so ex for what. 10 dollars enuff le lahs. Kaoz !! Yes, 100 SGD is still consider cheap lahs i tink ! For an airplane ride. I seriously wonder how airasia earn money sia ! I reckon is from food bahs. Cos 10SGD to fly is seriously too cheap liaoz. Even the diesel also cannot buy lors. So now people can consider of taking an airplane ride to KL instead of taking coach. If you take 1st class coach ryte, its already 90 bucks liaoz. Might as well just add another 10 bucks to take aeroplane instead. Its definitely more comfy becos u dun nid to sit until your ass crack lahs. And its so so so much faster, like 45mins to 1 hours only? Seriously take an airplane !!! Oh, btw, this is fare from singapore to kl. The airplane fare from KL to singapore is only 18RM !! Oh my fuck !! How airasia earn money sia? Seriously bless airasia and fuck airport tax !! k. enough of promoting airasia. Sky very chio hor? That was my first day out, 26th march. It was really coolz cos i took 2 planes that day cos i transisting in KL airport and going to Miri, Sarawak ! Ate Old Town White Coffee in KL airport. Food so so only, but their butter-kaya break was fantabulous man !! One day i should seriously walk to ECP to eat !! =D That day reached Miri at 10pm in my cousins' freaking cool bungalow and I am so glad to see my paternal grandmother doing well for her health. :) During the days in Sarawak, my cousin took my mother and I to go the charity chinese orchestra show. ![]() I guess its for seminar or something. Yaps. Mummy paid 20RM each for the tix. Its for charity u know !! =D Music is coolz lahs. But not really my type of music i guess. The conductor you see on the first 2 pics ryte? He is only 16 years old. Freaking talented lahs. He knows how to play like 3 chinese musical instruments? And he actually can conduct le lehs !! Wah piang !! However, he look damn "chao-lao" I was telling my mother about it and she agrees ~ She even say I confirm look like his "mei mei" if I stand beside him lors ! =D Next I will show you pictures that I tink are ultra coolz.. !!! Yeaps. I am so sorry of these few blury pics becos i was outside. So i only have my handphone to take pictures of it. You may wonder? What is so special about all these? Its just normal stuffs wat. now i am telling you... These items are paper items which are to be burnt for the people who are already dead. Something like offerings. I swear those items look really real lahs. Especially those LV bags. From far, i thought that those were real bags. Dun play play ah, live in hell also must wear branded bags wan okies. Next time I die ryte, i will ask my descendants to burn me LV, gucci and prada ah. =P Yaps. It is a really cool side of a chinese culture i guess. Price wise, i tink some items are really expensive. Paper money is still reasonable for their price. But items like a limosine with a chauffer ryte costs 37RM lehs ! Abit siao lahs to buy a paper stuff for so much money. 37RM can buy me Maybelline mascara liaoz lors. Zzz. However these items are 3D, so the creators really spent alot of their time. Really very creative lors. Cheers for them ! =D On 29th March, it was a really a memorable day for me u noe !! Like seriously. Yes, that day was my best girl friend, afina's bday. Wish her happy bday on sms and apologize to her that I cannot celebrate her bday. Well, that was not the thing that was memorable but its becos I went to Brunei for the very first time of my life !!!!! Woke up at 5am that day ! To drive from Sarawak to Brunei. Its like Singapore to Johore like that. Yaps. reason for going there: to visits tombs of my great grandparents that are burried in Brunei. yes, first time going to brunei yet going to their cemetries. =.= Like seriously in Sarawak ryte, the sun come out damn early like 6am plus. And they "go home damn early also, 6pm go home liaoz. 7pm is completely dark. Singapore's sun comes at 7am plus plus and go home at 7.30pm plus plus. Its really very different. In Brunei... Stopover at this coffeeshop and have breakfast at around 6plus to 7. I swear it looks like 8 o clock in singapore lahs. Sun already like come out liaoz. zzz. So glary. :( Breakfast damn cheap lahs ! 6 bowls of luncheon meat noodles+ 6 cups of drinks which consists of teh-si, kopi-c, cham and milo+ one big piece of bread= 16 Brunei dollars only !! (If you are wondering.. 1 SGD=1 Brunei dollar) Cheap or not u tell me lahs? Eat so much yet 16dollars only lehs !! Its becos Brunei is a tax free country. =D simply just love the fact. ![]() Proof that i am in Brunei. =D