Twitter Site Jenuine Facts Jenuine Jen; 8th November 1991; Temasek Poly 1r04; i'll be an angel if you are nice (: MUSIC! Affilates
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thank you for that kind soul who returned my thumbdrive in the Business school computer lab (lab4) ! it contains alot of important info like my project and my 30days goventure. Omg lahs ! thank you so so so so much for returning it ! thank youuuuuuu so much ! I would much like to thank you personally but i dunno who are youuuuuuu. :( thank you thank you thank you. :) and i happily thought can go home at 11am today but Mr roche asked us to handup Mktres interim report. zzz. den rush it out and i realised i lost my thumbdrive during project but I still had it during my mktres tut. haha ! i found in the end lahs, in the lost and found counter. :D And yes, i shouted at uncle koh today. he is darn irritating lurs ! when i lose my thumbdrive, on my verge of tears, he made some blardy fucking comments that irks me lahs. I am so not sorry for shouting at him. Damn irritating lurs. k. go wash bowls n plates now. bye. 1st day of school today after the two weeks sem break. Felt totally lost, like seriously. So many things to do making my mind so heavy. The major problem to solve is that dumbass Rp duty roster. agrrrrrrrrr !! How do you explain the feeling of emptyness, yet there is alot of tasks to be fufil? This feeling totally sucks. Have been thinking alot. Definitely not 胡思乱想, because I have thought that I wanna be a better person, study harder and a better friend. Yeah, i do realised the fact I have been drifting from my close friends. :( I would strive hard and I am gonna switch off my comp soon from now. But i have zero idea on what to do. So freaking lost. Ok ! I will jiayous jiayous ! :D And yeahs, lastly, yesterday was fathers' day. So happy belated fathers' day to every father in the world. :D And of course, to mine too. :) ![]() Hope you can hear me in your world. I certainly still hope you are still here with me but there is nothing I can do to change this fact. But, I'll be strong. Alright, shall end here abruptly. P.S. This is not an emo post. ![]() Happy 27th birthday to my favourite actor/idol in taiwan ! JOSEPH CHENG YUAN CHANG A.K.A XIAO ZONG ! I LOVE YOU TO MAX LAHS ! OMGGGGG ! YOU ARE TOTALLY HOT ! I FINALLY REMEMBERED YR BDAY THIS YEAR ! WHOOO! haha ! you wouldn't get to see this i know ! but hey ! i m so happy bcos its your bday today ! :) lovelovelovelovelovelove handsome+hot dude ! :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I was rolling on my bed thinking of the sweet scene in they kissed again, and of course to my hot hot joe cheng. Joe cheng leads me to think of Ethan Ruan, who is his best friend. Ethan Ruan makes me think of birthday cos he share the same birthday with me. Birthday !! oh gosh !! i suddenly remembered joe cheng's birthday is someway in june ! i am like gosh ! now is already mid of june ! think is birthday over le bahs :( Immediately, i got off my bed and secretly used my mum's iphone to go wikipedia check his bday. :P (hehe) den wiki tell me its 19th june is his bday! gosh gosh gosh ! am i lucky or fated with him?! Gosh gosh gosh ! i am totally mad crazy abt him ! i am so happy i didn't miss his birthday lahs. :) anyway, i totally love this idol ! :) Happy birthday once again. :) ![]() Hope you have a nice birthday ahead with Mike He and Ethan Ruan. Think u will celebrate with them bahs. :D Hi yoz ! supposedly to work today in tamp. I found a flyer distributing job through the net. Let me briefly describe my day which was really quite sad for me. :( Ok. i found a flyer distributing job online and the person is charge, her name is jestine. I have only sms her b4. She told me have vacancies for the job and asked me to report on monday, which is today at 12pm at tamp control station. As this was a " job", i actually came early like 11.30am. Smsed her and she told me she is in Yishun ! ( wtf ryte? ) k nvm. I walked through the 3 malls in tamp. Around 12pm, i smsed her if she reach already. She told me she still nid 15-20 mins more. K fine. Its alright. I am willing to wait. Around 1pm (darn ! i waited for her for one hour), she smsed me that she reach already. Ok. I called her and tried to find her. I thought she is an aunty or something lurs. Anyway, i met her ! And to my fucking horror !!!!!!!!!!! She is a xiao mei mei !!!!!!!!!!!! wtf ryte??????????? She is like even way shorter than dilys and rather plump. After that she continued to make her busy calls to dunno who. Den she brought me and the two other girls who are friends to behind of Tamp1. Btw, the two girls are minahs. How do i know if they are minahs? Thick eyeliner with dark skin, extreme skinny jeans and obviously the character they acted. Jestine told us to wait for alittle while more for the manager. And the two minahs went like aye aye hot hot hot, den they went into tamp1 to blow aircon. Den i went to talk 2 jestine, she told me that flyer distributor job has changed to door to door sales ( oh my fuck ! ). I am seriously speechless u know. Den i asked what is the pay. " Commission based ", she said coldly. After some thoughts, i told her politely tat i dun wanna to take up this job anymore and apologised for the trouble caused. And yeahs, she said fine but obviously bu shuang. And i asked her for her age. Guess how old is she !! She is 14 !!! an effing 14 years old. Omg. She told me that her manager also MIA! thank goodness i got away from this job honestly. Like what the fuck sia? Sad or what? :( Mayb you guys would think why wouldn't i take up the job ryte? First, she made me waited so long and expecting me to wait even longer for the manager who didn't showed up. Secondly, so last min she said change to door to door sales. I mean distributing flyers and doing sales is 2 different thing lehs. Obviously, there might be some scam in it to recruit pple to do sales lahs. zzz. And door to door sales lehs ! i dun even noe what products am I going to sell + confirm nobody buy. Its like their own house lehs. They can simply slam the door if they are nt interested. Confirm low sales wan. I dun wanna work for nothing lurs. >.< Here is my story of firing a boss and making the right decision. :) thank goodness i didn't stay on. So wth. First person i told was afina, and blabbed out the entire story. She agreed that me leaving was a a right decision too. 2nd person i called, was mum. She told me i was right bcos it might be a scam. And the manager was actually late and they actually let a 14 year old to be in charge. Seriously14 year old can work mehs !? k lahs, my first job was during 13 year old ! But that wan not legal lahs. Xp I was paid peanuts lahs (4bucks per hour :( ) kkkkk. blah blah blahs. enough of my jobs blabbering. I saw the ugliest man in my entire 17 plus life today. No joke. He was the ugliest man i have ever ever seen. In tamp mrt station side. He was selling tissue. His face is distorted like fuck. His cheeks on his face sags like fuck, i swear his cheeks are like inner thighs kinda size. And obviously his mouth sags with his cheeks. I cannot even see his eyes. It seems like he has a 10kg tumor in his face (google face tumour images). The man i saw looks someway like that. :( Honestly, i feel really really sad for him :( Really, i got a big big shock. I wanted to buy tissues from him but i was really afraid to look at his face. It is so so so scary. If i am younger and i saw him, i confirm will cry lahs. Looks really very very monster. :( And yes ! I changed my POSB atm card also. cos the magnetic part spoil liaoz. :( I queued in the bank for like 45mins. :( And i realised, if you queue at the counter, u can even withdraw one dollar from your account ! Haha ! :D Sigh ! so many days happened today. zzz. Let me bring you to more happier stuffs !! which is my shopping purchaesssssssssssss !! Lurbeeeeeeeeeee :) Cotton on buys: (all 10bucks) Sky blue polo tee and electric blue shorts. Look like uniform sia in the picture !! ahaha !! what! cannot wear men's shirt mehs? LOL. its nice what ! :D Preppy army green skirt ! Its quite short though. :( And yeahs, as i spent more than 50 bucks in tamp mall, i am entitled to play that jackpot game. I won a 10 dollar mall voucher. :D I seldom so lucky wan lo. Bought clothes from chic room too. but i find it way too girly and short ! i dun like this top lehs ! The salesperson keep prompting me to buy. So wat the hell. k fine. nvm. I can matchy match it the shorts and long glads. Oh yay ! it feels damn great to blog about purchases. Haha ! Vented my fustration due to that job issue ! :D Crazy me actually shop when I nvr earn lahs. But who cares? :) I am happy. :) byebye. :) dissapointed. truly dissapointed. Never to thought that you have thought of me being such a person. Bang ! perhaps no one cares. dear diary, she told me to forget and move on. And i told her, i have moved on already but forgetting is impossible bcos when it makes an impact in your life, you can't forget it. I shall treat it as a part of my memory. It may be love once, but its all over now. Infatuation might be left, but i know i would get over it and move on. ______________________________________________________________________ Haha ! Now i know where my readership come from liaoz ! Got random pple read my blog. tag lahs ! aiyos. :D I know i am slowwwwwwwww in blogging ! will blog will blog ! haha ! u gotta come everyday if u are a reader. a random photo of myself ! :) gosh ! i am not pretty lahs ! zzz ! obviously u are so cheated by my photos. u will puke if u see me in real life lurs ! I think i am average lahs (k mayb quite ugly) ! alot of you all are so much prettier ! :) alright fina is online already ! i go talk 2 her liaoz ! ciaoz~ :D totally hate PMS. bad mood, shouting at peepz. I am sorry, utterly sorry. :( its been a year already. :( and... dissapointment much? :( :( Drama day today please. Morning mum woke me up, she tell me that the water pipe in kitchen bathroom exploded and the kitchen is flooded. Honestly, i thought i was dreaming so i said oh ok and went back to sleep. Den my mum woke me up again and said: aye, kitchen flooded u still can sleep ah? I already call the plumber already, now dun hav water supply in our house. U wake up and change your pajamas and wait for plumber. Diaoz. i den realised it wasn't a dream and wow ! really my kitchen was flooded nia ! LOL. thank goodness the two handsome plumbers solve the problem !! haha !! siaoz wan lahs. the water pipe actually exploded for dunno wat reason. Anyway, mum took half day off n we went siglap mac eat breakfast. den we walked in the mall for 1 hour, den we went to eat lunch. =.= Yeahs, within 3 hours, i ate 2 meals liaoz. Usually i only eat one meal becos i wake up damn late. Oh ! The lady called me up and say she has a flyer job for me and asked for my details. She damn "pervertic" please, she actually sms-ed me at 4am and 6am respectively lurs ! crazy ryte? And i actually replied her immediately. K lahs ! i better dun put too much hope on it, later hopes dashed ! hope can get that job and I can earn some marniieeeeeeee.. Keke... :D And i realised most of the facebook games i played: I am always 2nd position in my friend list !! Be in biggest brain, pixel ranger, restaurant city, waka waka, hell kitchen ! All of these games i am 2nd in position !! Why why why? tell me why? Is it destined for me to be always under one person ! coincidental or what nia? k lahs ! too drama liaoz. But damn freaky lahs, 5 games all in 2nd position lehs ! Piccys up next ! Been really lazy. :P alrites ! ciaoz for now ~ i hope that all these wouldn't be a dissapointment again. Honestly, what is wrong with permed maggie hair? I dun understand. u all want me to cut botak den can please everyone of u izit. I dun live for you, neither does my hair. Even it turned into grass one day, it is none of your business. And it doesn't mean I listened to your opinion, it means that I have to do what you said. As i have mentioned, I treated it as opinion not an advice. The choice is still mine at the end of the day. ok. i sent my application to that lady who tried helping me find a temporary job liaoz. Hope it does succeed bahs ! Wanna earn extra cash into my pocket. Listen to the ching ching sound of Mooolahs !! Nicest melody ever isn't it? :) Again, a person "compliments" me. Person: Aye, actually you very pretty lehs. Me: Pretty is pretty lahs ! what is with the actually? Person: Oh ! Cos you have double chin. :(:(:(:(:(:( Haiis... totally hate double chin lahs ! although using bio-essence lifting cream has improve the situation for these years. At least not as bad as what it is in lower secondary. And !! I made a very big decision just now !! I changed my msn display name !! Not just personal message okies !! My display name has been with me since secondary one lehs peepz ! I used to love it very much but now I feel its too bimbotic lahs. Hmm... I m still a freak lahs. So i change my display name to: "FreakyJen-xoxo" ! I dunno how long this display name can last bcos my previous display lasted for 6 years lurs. Ok. Enough of random ramblings. gotta cook lunch, wash clothes, mop floor already. I don't have maid like you lucky peepz kayz ! Alright, bye for now. Ej's birthday post next ! Photos to be edited ! :) xoxo. Haha ! Today is my army booking in day lahs. Mum sent my deferment letter liaoz, but they haven accept it. My selected state is Kelantan ! Ulu please. Can imagine got alot of pple reluctant to go in. Prolly bimbotic girls like me would cry, or those young strong men looking forward to get in. Whatever lahs. Mayb now army now taking attendance: Tan Ah Lian ! " here " Mhd Ali ! " here " Gandhi Singh ! "here" Chia Kah Jen ! "no response" Chia Kah Jen x2 ! "no response" Chia Kah Jen x3 ! "no response" WHERE THE FUCK IS CHIA KAH JEN !? (army surgeon enraged with anger) LOL. k lahs enough of jokes. alright! its monday ! but so happy bcos its holiday !! happy happy !! tried finding a temporary job, but *sigh* no avail ! :( OKIES !! Nbm !! its alrites. not that i really need it anyway. haha !! stoned at my lappy today for like 10 hours already and its still ongoing. ![]() Playing Pixel ranger. Its a super addictive facebook game please !! currently my points is around 190,000++, ranking 3rd in my friend list. ahaha ! :) try beating me if u can !! ![]() This show was produced in 1997 and repeated on 2003. Its darn nice lurs. 3 generations of love, vampires and interesting fighting. whats there not to watch ryte? Chew Chor Meng also darn cute and handsome nia !! I love the last episode very muchie muchie, dun mind watching it again ! Darn nice ! aye.. i dunno why is it call " have a date with a vampire 4 " lehs. its definitely not related with the HK drama, have a date with a vampire 1,2,3. Its not copying dem also bcos this show is flimed before that HK drama. I guess they put it there so to attract pple to watch bahs. Haha !! Anyway, interested? catch it on tudou ! k lahs. go watch shuang zi xin le. Buaiz ! :) |