Twitter Site Jenuine Facts Jenuine Jen; 8th November 1991; Temasek Poly 1r04; i'll be an angel if you are nice (: MUSIC! Affilates
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A letter to a friend who is 18 today. One of the right choices I have ever made in my life is to enrol into bedok green secondary. Without enrolling into this school, I wouldn’t be able to meet you at all. Lets bring back some memories shall we? 1st day of our secondary life Another best choice I have ever made would be choosing to sit behind you because you seem really a nice person. Therefore, despite my tall height, I still choice to sit somewhere in the middle with you in front of me. Haha! Remember the first sentence I ever said to you?!! It is so LOL seriously ! “ register number must write on the right is it?” “ yap yap” Honestly speaking, I knew I have to write the register number on the right. I was just finding an opportunity to talk to you ! ahaha ! Indeed ! You became the first friend I made in bedok green sec and I got your number first sial ! I remember after the first day of school, I called your house phone liao. The thing is I don’t even know how to pronounce your name sial when I called you. Heng ! I pronounce correctly lo if not your mother will not even pass you the phone. Hurhur ! See ! your name isn’t that difficult to pronounce afterall ! DILYSSSSSSSSSSS ! Anyway, I wanna thank you for standing beside me always whenever I am sad. Gosh ! I feel like I am back to sec1 again upon saying this. But yeahs, sorry that I have always been hot-tempered and shouting over you and yet you still willing to be my best friend. Thanks for changing me to a better person as well ! :D I have to admit that I am more tamed now all thanks to you ! ahaha ! I know, I caused you a lot of troubles especially with you and your mother! I know she thinks I am a bad influence to you. But still, don’t quarrel with her bcos of me lahs ! I feel bad wan siol ! I am not a chao ah lian lo, and one day she will definitely see that I am a very good girl. Known you for so many years, we have become best friens/best girlfriend. Haha ! We have so much differences and yet we still can be best friends for so long sial. We have different personality, character, looks and etc. Me, I am tall and big sized and you, petite. Me, so hot-tempered and you being docile ( k, fine, not really that docile but you are quite kind tempered) Me, is the drama mama kind of person, while you go for a girl next door look. Me, I love curls and you love straight hair. Me, got the xibei chao lao face and you got a kiddy face. Me, I don’t believe in religion and you are a devoted Christian. Me, I can put super loads of makeup face machiam like a book so thick like that while you just go with pressed powder or even zero makeup. I am a spendthrift all the time and shops with impulse while you are the one rational and don’t spend that much money ( but at least I inspired you to go shopping lo). Me, I am the one who says “ Lets go out tomorrow” and you are the one who would always say “ I want to go home liao” =.= Me, I am the relaxed, chill bill kind of person that only kanchiong last min while you are the always kanchiong wan ! Me, like to watch Taiwan dramas with Taiwan shuai ge and you like to watch Korean mv with your suju and dunno what other Korean bands. Obviously we have so much more differences like the way we deal with things and the guys we like. If there is a competition of most difference bff, we would definitely win hands down lo. Haha ! I remember last time so many people think we are a pair of lesbian lovers rather than best friends !! But we do have a distinct similarity is that we love manga/comics !! hoho ! this wan is you intro me wan lo ! remember bo? Without you, I would still be reading archie comics. But honestly, the first manga you lend me (Love Hina), is seriously berry lame lo ! -.- Haha ! recently, you asked me if I regretted in regarding you bringing me in to the manga world. Of course not lahs ! As I mentioned without you, I would still be reading archie comics. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to meet so many “shuai ge” on books ! teehee! :D those days borrowing comics in tenchi was memorable yo ! Thanks ah for making me becoming an Otaku ! =) After a long winded message, I have not reach my objective which is to wish you a HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY DILYS TAN HUI NING ! HOHOHO ! YOUR WISH OF BEING 18 IS FINALLY GRANTED !! REMEMBER THAT ME AND BEST GIRLFRIENDS WOULD ALWAYS LOVE YOU ! YOU ARE LEGAL TO GO TO JAIL IF YOU COMMIT CRIMES OH ! SO BEWARE AH ! AND FAST FAST GET A BOYFRIENDDDDDDDDDDDDD ! MAJORRRRRRRRR LOVESSSSSSSSSSS ! :D left 10 mins to blog. gotta make it fast bcos i wanna watch fated to love you at 10 pm !!! last episode sia !!! no more ruan jing tian at 10 pm le ! sob sob ! :'( anyway, today, i spend my day reading manga !! damn happy ! i remember during sec2 i will go borrow comics from tenchi, one dollar one book. den i will lie on my bed with air con switched on a blast and enjoying them ! ahhhh ! those were the days lo ! simply misses it. ![]() ![]() ![]() i haven read finish though ! ok ! i m off to watch fated to love you ! and today is dilys' last day being 17 ! gotta call her at 12 midnight later. !! major loves major loves ! this blog space will be updated real soon. off to watch ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni ! whoooots........... :D xoxo dear diary, i am exhausted from work. very tiring. but i nid money for tokyo trip. today, was exceptionally tiring bcos i got my 4th appt on 5.30pm. i was so exceptionally stress bcos i wan my commission. meaning i have to get my 5th appt by 6pm. k. in the end, dennis gave me his 6th appt. yeahs. i was thinking whether to accept or not bcos its not very nice although his 6th wan doesn't matter to his pay since he got 5 already. ok. i really dun like owing people favours. but its a matter of 12 dollars ok. i tink i can throw that little pride away. but yeahs, of course i am gonna return him this favour. i will give him my appts when he needs it. yes, i will even he didn't giv me his appt 2day. as written on my fb today. 1. Destiny is held is one's hand. 2. It is pretty pointless to reveal your troubles when no one can understand. agreed? alright bye. off to sleep. FML. WOULD BE BACK SOON SOON SOON ! i'll blog when i am more free. haha ! when i m tired out from fb games, to be specific ! wth ! k lahs ! byeeeeee ! :) P.S. would blog about food and my shopping purchases soon (courteousy of afina) Stay tuned ! :D just some quick blogging before i go orh orh ~hopefully i can wake up earlier to gym and i going eat ajisan to chit chat with mui mui ting ting and see henry (kidding) ! oh ! i joined smsyo ! that site is really awesome ! U can update your fb status and twitter through smsing in ! really awesomeeee i tell u ! now i can update my twitter status like anywhere i go ! just imagine i go toilet i can tweet that i am shitting ! i see chee ko pek in street den i can straight away warn all of u ! wheeee ! tweet tweet tweet ! i love twitter ! :D if u do enjoy reading my blog ! do read my twitter too ! at my blog sidebar ! ANYWAY, i just keep on watching random youtube videos ! my youtube account favourite vids are really awesome too ! my user is jenjen12345 ! dun ask y i choose this username ! it has been my acc from secondary 2 for yr info ! some vids: fen shou lei tai ~ everyone sld noe hui ci lo ! she very famous in wo cai ! i only put part one ! catch others on youtube ! :D Qiao En and ruan jing tian dancing to Suju's SORRY SORRY ! omg! u can also catch his botak head on here ! darn sad lo! :( but still handsome ! and both of dem are so cuteeeee !! :D they are at guang zhou promoting fated. yaps ! it is also currently broadcasted on singapore, channel U, 10pm ! remember to catch it ! it is darn nice lahs ! :D k lappie gonna no batt ! bb ! ![]() 觉得有时候为什么自己的生活 感觉在像下着很大的雨,不知何时会停。只能安静地等待。希望雨停了后,路可以走下去。但是,下过雨的路,会更加难走。但是,越大的雨,彩虹就会更加美丽,就像是一种说不去口的爱,心里甜滋滋的暗恋,却有些苦涩。 当你走向那彩虹的另一端时,你将能有一个梦境,像是去了天堂般的感觉。那里的世界是没有死亡,没有不快乐,没有战争,没有饥饿,没有人会嘲笑或讽刺你。大家都会笑脸迎人,乐观地对待每一件事情。 世外桃源,谁不想去呢?但那真的存在吗?至少相信也是一种美丽,至少是抱着一个希望。 但是,可以看到彩虹,你必须先经过风风雨雨。即使彩虹出现了,你是否能快点跑到另一端呢? 我想。。。梦也得该醒了。回到现实生活吧 ! (c) copyrighted. all rights are reserved by (c) any infringement/plagarism/copying this will reduce to being sued. not much words i gonna. just some quick blogging. yeahs. i remember few secondary chinese school teachers say i have the talent of being a novelist bcos my language is strong and my story creativity is really high. haha ! its the words i used i guess. basically, i am cheena max lahs. i heart rainbows btw. but i have no much chances of seeing it. :( k. i feel like playing viwawa now. so .. ciaoz ~:D time checked: 3.46am. gonna sleep soon though. been working for 2 days as telemarketer liaoz. hoho ! the manager is quite good, in charge good and colleagues are friendly and fab ! so i guess everything's quite fine in work except i hate calling those pple that are so fierce n rude. nabei. as if i owe dem anyting like that. den not interested say not interested lo. still crap with me so fucking long. some scold me somemore. den some kup my phone. ya lo ya lo ! some complains lahs ! not whining anymore ! yahs. just realised that i haven't been blogging with photos for quite a long time le. view my archives eh pple !~ my blogging style change really alot man! throughout these months. i used to blog so so so so many photos plus generous amount of words. haha ! but now.. blogging with words only. kinda bored yeah? sadly, i agree too ! :( anyway, the feeling of wanting to die is back. shit ! i m secretly thinking when will the world will be ending. i wanted to die bcos i can't find any meaning in life anymore. *slaps self* ! kk dun worry pple, thank goodness that only lasted a short period. i didn't to anything silly. k mayb perhaps i did take that nail clipper with the short knife attached, i wanted to slash my wrist though. but no lahs. i didn't do it. life is precious. i dun wanna feel pain too. ooh ! i had this weird dream last night. if u read my twitter. u sld roughly know the gist of it already ! anyway. really very omfg n scary. i wish it will never never never happen like seriously. okok. since i typed so many words already. just let me continue what happened in my dream. *names would not be revealed to protect identity and i dun wan anyone to misunderstand anything* kk. this guy friend is marrying my friend's friend who is very pretty. but the guy friend told me before she don't think this person is pretty. anyway, in my dream, they somehow fall in love with each other and decided to get marry. well, this friend's friend is also my friend lahs, okok, more like aquaintances i guess. cos i don't really talk to her. back to talking about my dream, so... i was chosen to be the bride's bridesmaid. very illogical lahs, but its really my dream. den i didn't want to. in fact i was very angry why my guy friend is marrying her !! den my friend say why you don't let them get married, they very compatiable wat. can you believe it? my friend den call me a bitch bcos i don't let them get married. she actually shouted at me in my dream. I said no ! den i took this short knife, attempts to slash the bride's face. den my guy friend came and grab my hand really very hard and stop me. I cried and beg him not to marry her. den somehow got some random people keep telling me i sld let dem off and not stopping dem to get married. den i shout: " aye they only 18 eh ! y get married so young? " my guy friend den say: " but... i really love her" !! i put the knife down and my friend pulled me( gently lahs) and say dun worry! everything would be fine. next, i attend their " wedding" the 2 of dem were in this flat of something lahs. i cannot remember though. den i was still crying here n dere. den i cannot take it anymore, i ran out to downstairs and bought a nasi briyani from a chinese man selling indian food ( not quite possible though ) DEN HE GAVE ME NAAN/PRATA ! den i angrily went to him and say where is my briyani? he said this is briyani !! i replied: NOOOO... this is a naan/prata ! not briyani ! den he asked me.... WHAT IS NAAN? =.= i said forget it.... and sat down and eat my naan ! i tink that is the end cos i really can't remember anymore! isn't my dream so wtf !? i wish it will never happen man ! its very scary like some drama scene. and when i woke up i thought quite a long time about it lo. i m thinking of the reason y i m so angry in my dream. firstly, it could me liking the guy ( in the dream hor ! ). Secondly, it could be me very jealous of the girl's beauty, i tink pretty girls sld not marry first. Thirdly, i tink the guy bluff me cos he tell me the girl not pretty yet he still marry her. Fourthly, it might be that i wanna get married too, but i never get marry so i very angry. HAHA ! ZERO IDEA MAN ! oh man ! please don't make this happen ok !! it wld be darn scary lahs !! anyway. i m off on mon n tues as well. some actualisation goals to be met ! (1) Clean my house; sweep/mop floor, clear old magazines/newspaper (2) Organise my wardrobe. VERY MESSY SIA ! no wonder i dunno what to wear ! (3) go shop for a diamante bracelet/watch (4) gym for few hours to train 6pack and lose weight ! **omg!! very impt (5) ajisan on tues to see mei ting and henry( haha ! kidding kidding) and get 2 of my handphones from her back ! foo mui ting ! u haven gimme back my handphones lahs ! how many months liaoz. zzz. remember bring on tues ! (6) blog something with pics from handphone/camera ! k. putting on my organiser on perhaps later. wanna go orh orh liaoz. k bb. time checked: 4.21am My first day of work today !!!!! yah yah.. that telemarketer job !! man !! damn tired. have been talking from 9am till 6pm lehs ! made like 200++ calls. was at my 5th page of the call list. one page 50 calls !! :( wahlau.. this job is damn boring and dull man !! just imagine i have to repeat the same over and over again. and all of calls i made are people who born at 1970s and 1980s ! so all uncle and auntie !! =.= anyway, thank goodness me and afina bte muhd buang are working together !! me and her keep calling and laughing here and there abt the names of pple!! so it ain't that bad afterall. haha ! :) as what she say: "wahs ! if don't have friend also dunno how to survive lo, this job is so boring!" Absolutely true mehs ! i dunno how to survive next week lahs when she going taka to work for one week and she will come back the following week ! yarh yarh ! i am gonna work alone for one freaking week ! :( but ok lahs ! I made some new friends. 3 of dem actually. for other respective polys. they are very very nice ! thank goodness man ! this made the job less bad ! it is so tiring n boring n time pass so slow siol !!! yahs ! i am so glad i m in retail diploma ! i heart retail ! :D it is fun and time passes quite fast and at least i can move around. pls remind me not to take up an office girl job in the future ! boring max lahs ! 2mr working again. 9am-6pm ! omgggggg !! let me talk about some of the pple i called today ! so fustrating. some can be really very rude lehs i tell you ! kup your phone b4 let you finish talking. also hor ! got this guy flared up at me saying wat prudential give wrong information n stuffs like that. den say i nvr speak in proper english and gave me whatever information i dun wanna hear. he say like he is been hospitalised b4 and everything is not what i said and blah blah blah ! seriously man ! not interested den just kup lahs, gimme so much fucking crap. i swear i feel like swearing at him ! fuck ! oh! btw pple, i am working for prudential and we are actually promoting the free upgrade of your medisave ! yarhs ! so ya lurs. i noe my age is not so suitable for this. but whatever la, is create public awareness lurs. kk. finish fated to love you in channel U liaoz. happy. go read ruan jing tian blog to relac awhile ! so not aniticipating for work 2mr lurs. i can't imagine there is one person can work that as permanent job and full time. it is seriously uber boring ! hope 2mr will b a better day. bb and good luck to me ! :) wow ! today i called in for a telemarketing job. number given by afina. called in at 1pm bcos i can't wake up early morning lurs. anyway the convo: me: Hello ! I am here to enquire if there is any telemarketing job avaliable. nice person: Ok. just send your resume in can already. me: Oh ! where do i send in to? nice person: to the email on the advertisement you see it from. me: actually i haven't seen the adverstisement. i was referred by a friend, she gave me this number. nice person: oh, ok ! who is your friend? me: Afina. nice person: Oh ! Afina. I just met her yesterday. You are afina's friend is it? Ok ! I don't need give you interview. You just commence work with afina on thursday. Just send in your resume to =.= !!!!!!! what the fish !! i got this job this easily! no kidding !!! thanks afina !! fab man ! 7dollars per hour ! haha ! muchie yayness ! just sent in resume ! wheeee ! HURHUR ! busy days ahead and anticipate the "ching-ching" ! as long can watch fated to love you at 10pm can liao ! happy max ! =D |