Twitter Site Jenuine Facts Jenuine Jen; 8th November 1991; Temasek Poly 1r04; i'll be an angel if you are nice (: MUSIC! Affilates
afina winnie jennie kahrou jie jie tiffany xiao xuan Serene Mei Ting Farshad Crystal Jiaqi Cherine Chris Candy Charlotte Claire Audrey Tricia Christabelle Yiling Archives
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25/02/2010 had insomnia that day. it was actually a day after exams. and i was super super hype up i dunno why. online until 7 plus am. wanted to sleep early as i was gonna club at night actually. anyway, around 6 plus am. mei ting pm me ! she was like " omg ! are you online? you haven't sleep or just woke up !? " haha ! she think i bian tai cos 6 plus haven sleep. >.< ![]() ![]() my eyelashes rawks ok. i look like a little kiddo. if u r wondering why the difference in the contrast of first two pics and last two pics of myself. this is becos first 2 pics are from my cam and the other 2 from iphone. seriously, i dunno y hers look nicer. think becos the lighting is rather dark inside the restaurant? anyway, toilet pics (as usual) : if u r curious, the dress is from 1st Avenue (which is from tiff's department), heart stockings from topshop ( mad chio btw and worn by the ah gua in topshop :P ) and cotton on silver flats ( which is worn by me till mad loose alr ) btw, the staffs in pepperplus compliment on my stockings very nice leh !! :D talking abt pepperplus, me and meii bought a shawl and tshirt. we bought the same shawl and tshirt leh, i realised. just in different colours. i had my shawl and tshirt in pink. and her shawl in brown and her tshirt in pink ! but its the exact same design. kinda gay uh? :P loreal concealer, lioele bb cream and powder, light blue eyeshadow loreal, black eyeshadow etude house, and dark blue eyeshadow from 120colour palette, mousse blusher maybelline and lips from lip ice. blue contact lenses freshlook ( very faded blue, not obvious ) yes yes, very intensive i know. :D anyway caught wolfman and my point of view: ![]() this movie pretty much sucked. no gore, no scary part. it shldn't be even nc16. the most PG. the previous nc16 movie i watch was daybreakers. its like 3 times nicer than this? oh well, the storyline kinda suck too. the male lead aka wolfman is so not handsome at all. so please dun expect too much, if u wanna see a handsome face. zhabor wise, quite chio. i love her victorian style outfit ! mad chio. however, the love part, there are no much details to it as well. its really nothing much. mei ting expected the girl's love would change the wolfman to a less beastly person. but thats not the case ! the beast is still a beast and the girl still killed him in the end upon tearing like mad. the best part would probably be the torturing of the malelead in the asylum bcos no one believes him, they think that he is lying abt himself being a wolfman during full moon. and this mad dumb wolfman doesn't want to kill himself bcos he wants to kill his crazy father (who is also a wolfman) alright, ok. i change my mind. the best part is actually the fight of the crazy father and the male lead. two wolfman with ultra masculine bods and biceps fighting here and dere with fire and head being torn off. super eewww and a turnoff. but nothing gorey seriously. i can watch it alone. i feel the most gorey part would be the 1st wolfman (the crazy father) put his wolf finger into the victim's throat. and the victim was like screaming his guts off. his fingers also got cut off as well. his expression= classic and funny. really nothing much to be afraid off. ok, done with this entry. will post the clubbing entry soon. wow ! an intensive blogpost. long time nvr do le. and i love it. :) be back soon, xoxo still editing photos !! :( show u people my current love/obsession ! JUSTIN BIEBER ! thanks yiling for intro-ing his vids to me !! Romantic: Playful party boy: Bad boy: So which style u all like the most? i like him being romantic ! omg.. ultra cuteeeeeeee.. i feel like a phedophile can? hahaha !! isn't fan girl supposedly much younger than idols? i can understand those aunties who chase jerry yan and other hot stars now. cos i totally feel the same way now. =.= he looks mad young la. the mv girls look so chao lao beside him and dey are taller than him !! =O hehe. just a short update. back to editing photos. ciaoz ~ :) wheeee !! photos uploaded to comp ! :D efficient efficent me ! clap clap clap. i took some time photoshopping it just now. but.... now alr 4.34am liao ! tired tired. so i shall do it later when i wake up? agrrr... sometimes i wish i am not so self-conscious and show the original pic instead. but really la, my chin bothers me alot. and some of the pics, i dun smile. have to photoshop my lips. :( anw. i m now into justin bieber !! mad cuteeee la he. i promised to blog more. so far, so good. :) prolly upload some justin bieber videos later too. mad love mad love. okthkxbye. :) i sld be blogging more !! don't u tink i used to blog more during my year one poly days? don't u tink i used to put more effort in my dressing during my year one poly days? the reason i dun do it anymore. is becos of. PEOPLE. i am afraid of their malicious opinions and condemning views abt me. it really sucks. i don't want to please them, i don't want to do any PR. i just want to ignore them and do what they want. but i am so scared they talk bad behind me when i didn't do anything wrong. oh well, at least i think i didn't do anything wrong. " what for bothering about what others say abt you? " yes, its true. but still... hais.... ok. enuff of blabbering. show u people one pic ! ![]() :( ok. i hereby telling u people that i would blog more again. i shall be hardworking and post loads of photos on my blog. i know i have bored many of you with wordy posts without piccas. but seriously, i am charging my cam now. i will post those clubbing photos and outing photos soon. :) like perhaps in few hours time? do anticipate. stay tuned. bye ! :D ![]() care to guess what is inside? :) .................... ........... .... clothes? nah ! i have got too many not worn yet. ............... ....... ... it is my 120 colour palette eyeshadows ! ![]() looking at it just makes me mad excitinggggg ! so anyway, the parcel came with 2 sets of colour palette. one set is mine and the other one is shi min's one :) i am so gonna take the palette and go her house to play with it !! :D i wanna create many many looks ! any inspiration people? :) ![]() ![]() i haven open it cos i bu she de ! but shi min say its damn nice ! so i am gonna open it now !! mad god damn it awesomeeeeee ! wheeeeeeeeeeee.. excited..... stay tuned to my bloggie. i am gonna blog abt the clothes i bought next ! since hols have started, i have more time to pursue what i want to pursue. :) oh yeah ! any job lobangs, do contact me yo ! :D hi. just a short update yo. actually i have nothing to blog. haha. anyway, just had my merchandise buying exam just now. super belly buang. 20 marks case study leh. i only left like 5 mins to do? agrrrrrr.. i hate myself for not doing the questions in the allocated timing. i totally hantam that question la. time allcocation super fail. wtf. gonna say goodbye to my A already. :'( ok. perhaps i sld take it to the bright side. i just obtain 2 percent and i can pass already. haha. watever la. i just dun have the ah Q spirit lo. and during exam, i keep keep coughing. still very sick lo or dunno who the fuck curse me. i ate like 16 panadols in 3 days. how i wish those are slimming pills man. time check. 4.04pm. need alittle nap and shall touch on rvm. i haven study that subj yet leh. omfg. gg. gtg alr. bye. omg omg omg. headache. sore throat. split liao. i need my panadol and dinner. :( i ain't someone that whines when i am sick but when it affects my studies ! agrrr !! i nvr study today sia !! just keep sleepping, napping. agrrrrrr !! 2 more days to exams. freaking scared !! :( update: 38.2 degress celcius leh !! what the shit. how to study tell me? agrrrrrrrr.. initially i used the thermometer that tp gave it to us. that wan super lousy leh. nvr gimme temperature. just keep blinking red light. means its too high for it to measure izit? lousy siol. or is it i dunno how to read? paiseh lah. lao niang is too bimbo to use a thermometer. its 9pm. i am still waiting for panadol and dinner. :( some people asked how come i only said happy new year but not happy valentines? isn't that obvious? i am a chinese obviously new year is way impt? 2ndly, i am whopping swinging single. and i dun see anyting wrong wif it. y sld i give shit in an occasion that doesn't concern me? k lah. since i sound so jealous right? i better wish la. happy valentines day to every couple. 有情人终成眷属 没情人赶快分手 我的爱人快快到手 :P _____________________________________________________________________ i will always remember that Vday incident. perhaps for my entire life. it has been so many years alr since that day. yet.. the part and parcel part i cannot forget. the tears flown, the heart broken. i wrote u a letter on 2008 Vday. a letter that i nvr sent it out to you. i tore it after i finished it. i wrote u short blog entry on 2009 Vday. that time i have my own blog alr where i can reveal a little bit of my thoughts. even knowing that u wld nvr see it, i still wrote it. many entries are for u. u will never see it. it doesn't matter. i wrote it bcos u wun see it. the feeling is not so intense alr. i dun miss you, surprisingly. bcos i know u wld b much better off without me in your life. which i would be really happy for you instead. i prolly gonna see u again soon.. if i am not wrong.. i shall not avoid and face you courageously. perhaps we are not gonna be conversing with words. but i wld be very happy to just see u again. i certainly wish the best for you. :) to the person i once love. from the person who once love you, Jen. just had my tuan yuan fan (reunion dinner) ! super bloated uhhh ~ hehe. me and mum only but i feel blessed ! :) sorry grandma that this year i am not with u, celebrating new year. i sure miss u loads ! :( i will sure go KL during school hols !! i love you ! this year no bobby under my legs during reunion dinner as well. :( ji sad yi sia, you mei you. :( anyway... my fave new year song... by my fave band as well ! mi lu bing ! :) loveslovesloves. 新年就新生活吧 不要停留在过去事了 i just wanna say and tell everyone dun brood abt all the sad things alr. it is a brand new year for all the chinese. and i am 20 years old in chinese lunar calender lehs ! OMG ! freaking old nia ! anyway, people may insult you, be in behind your back, infront of you or even straight to your face. if u spend time brooding over it, u may just forget how many people are actually beside u. dun give shit to what others had to say. be happy. :) just like this song's lyrics. cherish your love ones and a new life is ahead of you. cheers yo ! :) 新年快乐 恭喜发财 红包拿来 :D Labels: XIN its gonna be a wordy and photo-less post again. so i had my last lecture, tutorial and test yesterday. was kinda emo-ing abt it. year 2 past quite quickly i must say. and haha ! i just realised that my blogskin has been more than a year. i am still in "1r04". haha. its not even change. time passes rather quickly. perhaps year 2 is quite fun filled and less problems. i remember how much i want to get out of this school when i first step in here. not that it has change now. just feel that the feeling for school is less intense now. really. i remembered i used to be really quiet during the start of year 2 as well. i felt like there is nobody that i could relate to and someone i can really share my feelings with. hence, the emo me. so i open up and interact with others. honestly, i am quite settled down alr and now change class again. sigh. anyway, its really been a fun year to be 2r04. hope year 3 classmates are nice people as well ! :D and yesterday, almost three quarters of 04 peepz took the cargo lift together leh. mad cool ! and coursework results are pretty satisfactory. i got A for my MB and a B+ for RVM. my RVM individual report got an A lehs ! the one i did on isetan. abit sad though cos i thought that wan is my coursework. =( anyway, i not hao lian ok. this has nothing to do with being smart. i studied hard and i put in effort in my school work, be it reports and projects. my rp2 test did pretty good as well. 40/50. :D kai xin ! its abt luck la really. nevertheless, i will continue to work hard for my exams hope i can improve even more ! bnu test yesterday abit buang though :( but the paper itself difficult la. i didn't really brood abt it after that though becos i was more of being relieved and happy that i finished my last test in year2. now must concentrate on CNY and exams ! wish me luck yo ! studies are my main focus now. i will not lose my main focus again ! i am very very very determined ! :D love, jen. interview role play today. suddenly become panel interview (group interview) T.T my slot was initally at 11.25am. but i went to the classroom earlier to prep myself. before i even had the chance the prep myself, teacher say must go in liao. cos it is change to panel interview. seriously she super attitude. i asked: " how come it is a panel interview" she replied: " cos i change my mind" i screwed up the entire interview thing. i stutter i stopped i paused i screed. definitely i wun hire myself if i am the boss. i dun even had anything to say. i felt really really lousy. i can't help myself being affected by this. i feel i can do better being in an individual interview. i dun have any high expectations for comm skills and i never had the glib of gab. but it does matter beocs i felt like a setback. i wanna get good grades. :( i felt like crying so much, really i do. not only for screwing that interview up, but also being pointed out as someone that i am not. i am not sure if this is understandable. what i am trying to mean is that i am being pin pointed as " this" but i am not like that. it doesn't make any sense uh? but really, i can't be bothered to explain myself back then. i am too hurt to do so. yeah, it hurts and it sucks. i grittered my teeth and clench my fingers together to stop all the tears from flowing. i felt really like a small kid who is out of place. i can't even voice out my own opinions, lousy uh? waited for mei for 2 hours for lunch. i am glad i did agree to meet her up. it was so much better when i told her how i felt. though, i really hate waiting. >.< we had this convo. she: don't trust people easily and dun treat them so nice. prevent them from hurting you. me: what is wrong with me opening my heart? isn't it very tiring to beware all the people around you? she: never ask you to close your heart lah. just be careful. you can open half of your heart and close half of your heart. me: still will pain what and u can't really survive with half a heart. she: den u put many many fake heart. so when pple pierce u, u wun feel the pain. put your real heart in someway secretive. HAHA ! ABIT NO SENSE AH. but thanks leh. and i waited her another hour for her panel interview. =.= ONE FREAKING HOUR LEH ! like wth. mine only 15 mins? i help her spotted questions as well. glad she did well. :) not really in the mood for photo... but well... ![]() went tamp after her panel interview. saw ice angel in artbox. abit shocking. cos always see her in her blog. felt alittle bit weird uh. i mean myself. she looks like what she is in piccas though and her bf as well. and thanks mandy for her staff discount in artbox and i got afina her pencil case. i also hi bye to serene in golden village and we headed home. thanks foo mei ting so much for making my this day less miserable that what it shld be. :) was damn hilarious ! :) ![]() just a picca for patronising. enjoy our sexy shoulders whoa !! MEII ! U SUPPOSE TO UNBUTTON YOUR TOP! WAT HAPPENED TO THAT? omg. effing bee zee. be back soooon ~~~~~~~~ i had so much so much so much to say. but now, i dunno how to go about it and what to say. i believed i updated my fb status and twitter alr. i wanted to blog a super long post abt it. but it just don't feel right anymore. i call you my best friend, but i feel really detached from you at that moment. there are so much things happening to you now and i only knew it today. u r on your verge of breakdown and i can't help you at all. listening to your cries just make me so sad and i cried too. :'( i didn't even cried during all the miserable shit i have faced at the beginning of the year. but i cried really hard today, bcos i really felt saddened. i dun wanna see you suffer and unhappy. but be it any choice or decision made, you would still be miserable and heart would be super painful. :( and you, mr jerk. is this how you should treat a girl? is that question that difficult to answer? y do you have to contradict someone till so badly? if that is what you want, just fucking say it. dun make her say what you want becos that is not what she wants. yes, you are my friend too. i dun wanna say bad things abt you. apparently, you changed alot. wat happened to that sweet and nice guy that once others and I know abt you? u got what u wanted, but is this your way of cherish? just answer that super easy question dude. she literally begged you and she dun deserve all these shit from you. even she is the most indecisive person in the world, she already told you her decision. nothing would change her mindset towards you. what about you? can't u just reciprocate? at least, answer her. if you think i am not in a position to judge anyting, just freaking correct me. i know u read my blog at times. not sure if you would read this. if you really do read this, just think about the whole entire situation and be straight forward. this is not a post about scolding you. if i am, all the vulgarities would come out alr. i have known you for years as well. dun let that little respect for u be lost. hope everything wld be fine soon ! :( stop crying jen ! stop ! :( |