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Friday, June 4, 2010 - 10:34 PM
my inner voice is a fucking bitch
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i talked to myself today. here is the convo i had between myself and myself.

" Hey bitch ! can't do your paper today uh? wow ! totally expected. mugging at one last minute, how can you expect remembering all those fucking concepts that are mentioned in the lecture notes. OH YES. its a fucking 12/40 points you lost. thats a freaking 6 percent of the subject and it could be matter of 2 fucking grades. you totally deserved that for not putting yr hard work and being super lazy.

Seriously, why are you even carrying hope to get to a good local Uni ? U think that half fucked gpa could get you anywhere? just stop studying after poly la, and go work. dun fucking waste few more years acheiving nothing.
Even you heng heng get into an uni of your choice, do u seriously think u can succeed? OMG. with that fucking attitude of yours, you definitely will b a failure. your intelligence is also a big failure too, you prolly gonna drop out of UNI provided you get into one.

Fucking shitz you. why are you even taking calculus? Hopeless girl la you. you shld give up your chance to some others who wants to take the subj or someone who will work harder in acheiving what they want and not someone like you who do things half fucked.

you always mention abt dreams, you always wanna acheive something. BUT SERIOUSLY, do u work hard for it? did you? if you did, you wouldn't be so unconfident with your mid-sems. 3 fucking subjects, not one you have any hope of passing. great failure isn't it? even you get to pass, i bet you r not gonna do well. so stop wasting your time dreaming of an uni bcos if you dun work hard, you dun get wat u want.

your fucking gpa was pretty fine during your year 1.1 days. year 1.2, you are totally complacent n actually went to take exams with not much studying done. wow ! u really thought u cld maintain yr gpa uh? haha ! u deserve that bitch.

acheived a 3.5 gpa last sem? u seriously think its a big deal? u think u work hard enuff? no u didn't, it was based on mostly luck and good project mates.
look at some friends and some people who have damn good results. they are like 3.7, 3.8, 3.9. what are you compared to them? moreover, their GPA is cummulative and yours is nothing. doing well for just one particular semester just doesn't work if you continue to be complacent abt it.

you better buck up and pull up your socks and give your 100 percent to your studies. "

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 4:51 AM
i never knew i have to blog about this
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i m not sure if u wld read this.
those twitter dramas. end it already.

me being mean and using hurtful words, i m guilty of it.
but please understand, a clap takes two hands.
my apology is sincere, believe it or not. i wish u could accept it.

i m just really dissapointed that all these have to happen.

i m not good in my words. think whatever you want me to be.
you cried, i teared too. but nahs. dun think u cared nw.

okay, bye.

Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 9:56 AM
taxi driver made my day
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here i m in my retail informatics class. blogging since i finished my work already. bored.

i took a cab to school. yeap again. =.=
i mentioned in my twitter b4 that i would at least save a thousand dollars on cab fare lo. i rather use that money to buy a LV wallet or support an african children lo.

anyway, day started like really dreadful again. woke up late n those lifeless routine like washing hair, brushing teeth washing face. blahs.

took taxi at ard 8.50am in bedok. den halfway, the uncle said " hey girl, if you are late for your classes, what will happened? " i answered " oh 15mins late, my attendance cannot be marked" i said it super casually uh.
he looked at his watch for a moment then he started speeding. whoots ! so mad happy la. he is totally rushing for me. ok to be honest i abit scared cos i was't wearing my seat belt.

anw, when i reach TP area, as usual i ask him to turn to the lane to TP taxi stand. den he said " there very congested and very jam. y dun i stop you near the bus stop den u run yrself to class which is better " WAHS. i didn't thought abt this for 3rd year in my poly life can. the uncle is a total genius. i stopped at bus stop and den gave him 7.80 my taxi fAre. my cheapest taxi fare to tp ever ! no kidding at all !

when i reach class. i thought about it. he was totally being so nice la. he could have went to the lane and with the waiting time, he could earn a couple of bucks more. T.T mad touched can ! next time i could just stop at the bus stop instead liao. i totally save alot. somemore he speed for me ! even more savings ! :D

thanks taxi uncle !

anw, wishes elizabeth ( taxi aunty ) a happy 19th birthday. although i have not known her for long but she has been a really great friend. hope she does get a surprise with the cake later. :D

ok gtg ! i m in class ! omfg.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 1:13 AM
it's a friday.. but..
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it's suppose to be light hearted day for some rest.
but things are so overwhelming as there are so much things to do.
worse, i got very bothered by someone, something..

i know i sld b doing work now. but i just want some rest for now. perhaps watch a nice movie n wake up in the morning to do work.

ok. shall drink my meiji chocolate milk and watch lindsay.lo's parent trap. hope to cheer myself up alittle :)

oh yeah, thanks audrey :)

Monday, May 17, 2010 - 9:49 PM
go to that handphone shop at your own risk
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from my fb :

Jen Chia this is the first time i ever got so mad with a shopkeeper. In summary, fixing of phone took 5 freaking hours intead of their promise of 1 hour, and they add on 20dollars to the bill which is 65dollars. Lastly, the phone was half fucked, it was not fully fixed. To piss me of further, the shopkeeper said " you are not rushing for time right ? " this is also my first time crying and shouting at a complete stranger. :'( "

i really hav no mood to say the entire story. i did whine abit in my twitter before the worse came.

its so wtf. 5 hours wasted which i could have done calculus tut or even sleep. i dun even sleep 5 hours pls. n i could attended 3 lectures with that amt of time. Even playing computer is even better.

gotta do my cal tut with a fucking pissed attitude.

p.s. the handphone repair shop is 2nd handphone repair shop around ntuc cashier there. not the one near sportslink, that wan is 1st wan. the handphone repair shop is near some makeup store.

Sunday, May 16, 2010 - 11:58 PM
blah !
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handphone spoil.
reason? no idea. :(
using lao kok kok spare phone now,keep hanging. sld i go borrow a spare phone from friends? asked few people n dey dun have. :(

kk. nuff said. gonna go get it fixed 2mr.

camera spoil, handphone spoil n lappy ageing. wat is happening to my gadgets manz? all too bimbotic?

calculus tut - not done. *slaps self*
RP project - didn't do much ! only the budget part. *slaps self harder* shall work harder 2mr. i promise not to let down my grp mates.
OSIP - not really settled, n i dun tink i sld actually rely 100 percent on it n i shall find local SIP too.

knn. the only right thing that has gone right is prolly i filed my notes properly into my disney files. k, the only console.

blah ! shall stop whining. hope for better days !


Friday, May 14, 2010 - 7:37 PM
my food enemity with buses
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fucking sucky. i dropped food on the bus... yes AGAIN.

i have no idea. my food seems to have enemity with the bus. this is the 3rd time of the year. agrrrrr ! i m so hungry naoz. :(

1st time was kim gary milk tea on bus 14, which was to direction to ORCHARD !
2nd time was in Japan, also milk tea ! can u believe, i spilled milk tea on the travel bus leh. and everyone knew me, so i was freaking paiseh. and the milk tea 300 yen, close to 5 bucks ok ! wtf. expensive lo.

3rd time is now ! except its not milk tea now. it was my dinner, pork porridge. BUT HONESTLY THIS ISN'T MY FAULT NOW. cos i put at the side. den the lady boss nvr close properly la, when the bus brake, the porridge went pouring down. it was super hot and i do not have tissue.

i really really didn't know wat to do. and i can feel passengers talking bad behind my back, literally my back. :(
i called mum after i got down, cos my hse only few stops frm bedok. i told her abt it and i know i sld hav told the bus captain or smth. but den i was reaching home alr so yeah. :( i do feel guilty lo.

n when i picked up the lid, fingers got burnt by hot porridge. i felt like crying n helpless pls. :(